How to set advanced Word document properties

We recently showed you how to set up user information in Word. The program stores a few more additional parameters related to documents. Some are on the bar Intelligence (Info) and they can be customized as you wish.

Note: The illustrations for this article are from Word 2013.

To open a dialog box that allows you to change the properties of the current document, open the tab File (Queue).

How to set advanced Word document properties

The section should open by default. Intelligence (Info). If not, click the button of the same name at the top left.

How to set advanced Word document properties

On the right side of the window, click on Materials (Properties) and in the menu that appears, select Additional properties (Advanced Properties).

How to set advanced Word document properties

A dialog box will open with the file name (without extension) in the title. This window displays information about the document. The settings that can be changed are on the tab Document (Summary).

How to set advanced Word document properties

Open this tab and enter properties such as Name (Title), Author (Author), Organization (Company) и Keywords (Keywords). Keywords are also called tags, they help to classify and find documents.

How to set advanced Word document properties

Press OK. You will return to the panel Intelligence (Info), where the entered additional properties are already displayed. The keywords are under the heading Tags (Tags).

How to set advanced Word document properties

You can change additional information in Document Information Panes, which can be displayed above the document stage. To make an area visible, on the panel Intelligence (Info) click the button Materials (Properties) and select Show Document Information Panel (Show Document Panel).

How to set advanced Word document properties

You will automatically return to the document, where under the ribbon will appear Document Information Panel. For each of the attributes of the document, it has a separate field that indicates the current value. The values ​​of these fields can be changed. In addition, you can click the button Document properties (Document Properties) to open the dialog box of the same name and edit these properties or view the necessary information.

How to set advanced Word document properties

Нажмите кнопку Х in the upper right corner of the panel to close it.

How to set advanced Word document properties

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