How to separate fused eyebrows. Video Tips

How to separate fused eyebrows. Video Tips

Fused eyebrows are a serious drawback that must be eliminated before correcting their shape. Often, pulling out excess hairs with tweezers or a thread is very inconvenient and unpleasant, so it is recommended to pay attention to methods that allow you to solve the problem once and for all.

How to part overgrown eyebrows

Methods for separating fused eyebrows

The traditional, but far from the most successful, solution to the problem is plucking out excess hairs. To do this, you first need to lubricate the skin with cream, steam it or, on the contrary, wipe it with an ice cube so that the procedure is less painful. Then you should pull the skin with your fingers and remove excess hairs with quick sharp movements of the tweezers. After finishing the procedure, wipe the skin with lotion or toner and lubricate with moisturizer, which will help to avoid irritation.

Do not overdo it when parting your eyebrows, otherwise you risk ruining their shape. You can even mark the area to remove hairs with a cosmetic pencil.

If you don’t want to pluck your eyebrows, choose a more gentle method – depilation. Buy a special cream designed to remove facial hair and apply it to the problem area. However, keep in mind that this option, alas, does not last long, and after a few days the eyebrows will begin to grow together again. It should also be remembered that the cream can cause an allergic reaction, therefore, before using it on the face, a classic test should be carried out by applying a small amount of the product to the inside of the elbow bend.

To make the achieved result last longer, it is recommended to resort to sugar or wax hair removal.

The first option is more expensive, but more effective and painless. Removing unwanted hairs will take only a few minutes, but the result will last for two to three weeks. Moreover, if you regularly resort to this method, over time, the eyebrows will stop growing together, and you will get rid of the problem.

How to get rid of fused eyebrows

If painful, but not giving a permanent effect, methods do not suit you, contact a beauty salon and order an electrolysis service. With the help of special equipment, your fused eyebrows will be divided in a few minutes, and the effect will last for a month and a half. It is not recommended to dwell on this: if you go through more than one procedure, but a whole course, you can forget about your problem forever.

For women who dream of removing the hairs between their eyebrows once and for all, photoepilation or laser hair removal is an excellent choice.

These procedures are carried out in aesthetic medicine clinics. When they are carried out, the hair follicle itself is destroyed, due to which the problem of accrete eyebrows is solved once and for all. It is the fastest and most efficient, but also the most expensive option.

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