How to scare ticks away? We know a reliable way
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I don’t think anyone likes ticks. And it’s not just about disgust, but most of all about health, for which these inconspicuous arachnids are a great threat. When looking for ways to scare away ticks, it is worth paying attention to formic acid.

  1. Ticks are tiny arachnids that are easy to overlook. If they manage to squeeze under the skin, they can infect a person with dangerous diseases
  2. Most often, ticks are carriers of Lyme disease. Their bite can also result in tick-borne encephalitis
  3. These arachnids are usually treated with strong chemical preparations that need to be sprayed on the entire body. An alternative, however, may be an ingredient available in pharmacies
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The length of the tick’s body may be as little as a fraction of a millimeter, which is why it is usually not visible at all. Especially if it is not yet an adult, but the so-called a nymph, or a transitional form. It then resembles a little black dot that is easy to confuse with anything. Ticks can get us almost anywhere: in a meadow, in the forest, in a playground or in a city park. These arachnids most often transmit Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis – and these diseases can be really dangerous for humans.

  1. Plants that repel ticks

Ticks do not like this smell

The best way to avoid getting a tick is, of course, to dress appropriately and to thoroughly check the entire body after a walk. However, there is no shortage of chemicals that can make our task easier. One of them is formic acid.

This organic chemical has a wide range of uses. It can be used as a preservative in the food industry, and in pharmaceuticals it is an ingredient of many drugs. It is also used for the production of disinfectants. It turns out that it can also repel ticks that are afraid of it like … ants. If they smell formic acid, they are likely to go the other way. As far as possible from your worst enemy, which is the ant. Formic acid in high concentration is fatal to ticks, while in low concentration it acts as a deterrent.

  1. Watch out for ticks in cities

How to use formic acid?

How to use this drug? Formic acid can be purchased at the pharmacy, e.g. as formate spirit. This agent should be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratioand pour the mixture into a spray bottle. You can spray it on your clothes, but it’s better to avoid any exposed parts of the body as formic acid can cause allergies. It contains small amounts of substances that can lead to rash, irritation and itching of the skin.

See what other means for ticks are available on Medonet Market.

Read also:

  1. How to protect yourself from flying ticks?
  2. They look like moles. Few people know how dangerous tick nymphs are
  3. Attention! This is the biggest mistake when removing the tick. Never do that

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