How to save on heating bills: 5 steps

How to save on heating bills: 5 steps

Tariffs for housing and communal services are growing every six months, and there is no way to influence this process. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the cost of heating, we pay substantial sums for it.

Receipts sadden us every month. And with the onset of cold weather – especially. After all, bills are sharply becoming “heavier” due to the fact that they now include heating bills, the most significant line of utility costs. It is difficult to adjust this amount. But there is still a way.

In order for the numbers in the receipts to decrease, it makes sense to install a general-house thermal energy meter. Some resources are lost on the way to the house in the supplier’s backbone networks. The meter allows you to pay only for the actually consumed heat. In new buildings, metering devices are installed before the facility is put into operation, but residents of houses from the old fund have to take it upon themselves.


  1. A general meeting is held at which a decision is made on the installation of a heat meter. They immediately choose the type of device (its cost and period of use depend on this).

  2. Representatives of the residents of the house or the management company contact an organization that supplies and installs heat meters. A project for installing a meter is being drawn up. The management company (or tenants), having studied the drawn up document, gives its consent to the installation work.

  3. Works are in progress. After installation, the devices are necessarily tested, the installer issues the documentation. 

  4. A representative of the heat supply company is invited, he seals the meter, draws up an act for its registration.

  5.  The device is registered, after which its readings are taken into account for calculations for heating.

Whom to pay

The costs of installing the meter must be borne by the residents of the house. The costs add up to several points:

  • the price of a device and a set of equipment for installation,

  • the cost of preparing technical documentation,

  • payment for installation and commissioning of equipment.

So that the amount is not burdensome, it can be repaid in installments. But it is important to consider that before installing the meter, it is necessary to insulate the house. If there is heat loss (loose doors, broken windows in the entrances), there will be no savings after the installation of the meters.

Only numbers

A metering device can cost from 10 to 50 thousand rubles. However, it is undesirable to choose the cheapest meter, it will last up to a maximum of 4 years. All installation costs can be up to 300 thousand rubles, they are divided between all residents of the house in accordance with the area of ​​apartments.

By the way, not only ordinary mortals are saddened by utility bills, but also celebrities. So much so that many of them simply don’t pay for their receipts. We have collected the most malicious debtors in our photo gallery.

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