How to save on groceries

I went to the supermarket for bread, then everything was in a fog. Came out – four full packages, God knows what, and minus 4 thousand rubles from the budget …

If you are also one of those comrades, then stop berating yourself for showing weakness. It’s not you weak-willed, it’s the whole marketing department of the retail chain working to ensure that you stay longer at the shelves and buy more. In many supermarkets, even the music is not chosen by chance, but in order to make you stay longer. Some of their tricks are sewn with white thread, others work great.

Put the most popular products away from the entrance

It’s just a marketing classic. What does a person buy in a store most often? Bread, milk, eggs, vegetables. Now let’s remember. Fruits and vegetables are usually located at the beginning of the hall. The eggs are hidden somewhere in the middle. And dairy products and bread are practically at the very exit. While a person is looking for what he came for, he will probably notice something else tasty.

Swap all departments

The day before yesterday there was pasta, and today there are sweets. Spaghetti moved to the place of sauces. And so on. How many new things you will see if you follow the beaten track! In the meantime, you are looking for your favorite farfalle, maybe grab a couple of chocolates.

Place a thousand little things at the checkout

Well, what else to do in the queue? Examine the shelves around you. And there – what not only: chocolate bars, marmalade, magazines, batteries, drinks, chewing gum … What if you want something?

Color the price tags

Do you think that yellow and red price tags are always a discount or a promotion? Your expectations are your problems. Hypermarkets are free to choose the color of the price tags at their discretion. At least use the whole rainbow. And it is not at all necessary that such a product will be the cheapest. And your subconscious mind has already added two plus two and whispers from within: “Take this, with a red price tag! Rubbish, but cheap! “

Replace zeros with nines

All other things being equal, which toaster will you take: for 2999,99 rubles or for 3000 exactly? This effect is called the “rule of nine”. Well, you understand: it’s just a penny! But the brain has already processed the information like a picture. And I saw that in one case the first number was two, and in the other it was already three. This is visual arithmetic.

Give unique gifts … to children

Yes, customers are already spoiled with pans, bed linen, suitcases and other “gifts” for the chips collected in special books. Not today in one store, so tomorrow in another. And if you come up with something that competitors did not think of … And also make it so that children need it … For example, mini-products from Lenta or a series would stick in Dixie.

I do not know a parent who would not prefer these particular stores during the promotional period, just to receive the coveted gift. Also, you need to arrange a day of exchange of repetitive toys so that all customers come back to the store and, most likely, buy something.

Hide cheap items

Do not be too lazy to bend over to the lower shelves. Usually what costs less is bashfully hiding somewhere near the floor. The higher the shelf, the more expensive the product. Previously, the most expensive products were placed at eye level, but now this place is occupied by products of popular brands. Because the total benefit from them is greater than from expensive, but less popular brands.

Increase cart size and get rid of baskets

Please note that in many stores there are practically no ordinary hand baskets. There are oversized baskets on wheels. Not carts yet, but still. Stores explain this by caring about the buyer, they say, why carry a heavy basket around the sales area. But in this concern lies also slyness. When you carry the basket in your hands, you really feel how heavy it is. This limits shopping. Inconvenient, hard, would be more likely to the cashier. Another thing is a basket on wheels or a cart: we do not feel how it is being filled. And as a result, we get an unpleasant surprise at the checkout: the packages get heavy, but the wallet, on the contrary, becomes lighter.

By the way, carts are getting bigger. Agree, it’s uncomfortable when you walk into a large store, and there are only a couple of products in an empty cart. Subconsciously, you want to collect everything, and more. Therefore, if there is an ordinary basket, and you are only for kefir and cottage cheese, take it.

Open a coffee shop directly in the store

First, the smell. The aromas of fresh baked goods and coffee will stimulate your appetite. But it is known that the hungry cannot go to the shops: you will buy everything. Secondly, the principle itself: tired of shopping – sit down, rest, have a snack. Not only will you spend on coffee, you will also remember that you didn’t buy something. And this is a few hundred rubles more at the store’s checkout.

“Suggest” the best combinations of goods

There will be chips or nuts next to the beer, and sauces next to the pasta. Not far from the sausage section, there will be a cheesy one – for the perfect sandwich. And around toilet paper, you definitely need to look for air fresheners.

Create the illusion of benefit

Two shampoos for the price of one, no more than five packs of buckwheat in one hand. It seems terribly beneficial. And at this moment a person thinks little about the fact that he eats buckwheat porridge, God forbid, once a month. Or that the second shampoo may expire by the time you run out of the first bottle. Most often, with such promotions, the seller is trying to sell stale goods, off-season products or that product whose shelf life is coming to an end. And even if this is not the case, you will spend much more on this trip to the store than you planned, and the seller will only increase his turnover.

Even a promotion from the series “find it cheaper and we will refund your money” will not ruin the store either – any “free” gift is already included in the price of popular goods, which may be slightly increased for the period of the promotion.

Present a discount card

At the same time, do not forget to link it to your phone number or email address. Analyze your purchases and send interesting offers on a regular basis. Suddenly today you need a ham of pork, and we have it for only 200 rubles per kilogram. And also a 30% discount on sweets. Come, we are waiting for you.

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