how to save money on salon procedures using available funds from the pharmacy

Simple, cheap, it works! We save on salon procedures using affordable products that are sold in pharmacies.

Some cosmetologists do not hide the fact that any beauty procedure can be replaced with masks from improvised means. Anyway, before you buy iodine and fish oil in tubes, you need to consult a specialist. Such medical cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction. If there are no contraindications, then going to the pharmacy can easily replace expensive beauty salons.

What would be offered in the salon: vacuum hydropeeling, vaporization, face lifting.

In childhood, this drug has always caused horror and disgust. No parental persuasion could make them swallow this fish-smelling oil. But the adults did everything right, stuffing the children with fish oil. It is just a storehouse of vitamins, useful microelements and biologically active components. In cosmetology, this product is also actively used both in pure form and as part of various masks.


There are several useful fish oil masks you can make. The easiest option is to use pure fish oil. It is best to buy this product in capsules.

I advise you to get one that contains glycerin. A fish oil mask can only be applied to previously cleansed skin. After 10-15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water. After the procedure, the skin can be lubricated with a moisturizer. These masks are usually applied 1-2 times a week. The course depends on the condition of the skin. After just a few procedures, you will feel how your skin has become more taut and firm.

The most important component of fish oil is omega-3 fatty acids. It is he who allows you to achieve an anti-aging effect for the skin of the face.

There are a number of fish oil masks available. You can mix this magic elixir of youth with mineral water (5 ml of fish oil, 5 ml of water), with honey (1 capsule of fish oil, 1 tablespoon of honey). I advise you to add a few drops of jasmine oil to the mask to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

What would be offered in the salon: contour plastics, biorevitalization.

Do not be alarmed! Hemorrhoid ointment is really capable of returning youth to you. Even Hollywood stars (for example, Sandra Bullock) use this miracle remedy in home cosmetology. The secret is simple: the ointment contains shark fat, phenylephrine hydrochloride, thyme oil, corn oil, vitamin E and glycerin. And these ingredients actively fight wrinkles, help get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Good for overnight use. At the same time, doctors warn about various contraindications. “I would advise using the Relief as a kind of ambulance,” says cosmetologist Irina Antipova. – Before going on a date, when you need to kill a man on the spot, and there is absolutely no time for procedures.

What would be offered in the salon: vitamin injections, paraffin therapy

Cosmetologists started talking about the benefits of retinol (vitamin A) back in the 80s. With the help of retinoic ointment, you can easily restore the youthfulness of the skin, relieve fatigue, and smooth out wrinkles. To achieve maximum effect, you need to follow simple rules. The ointment should be applied two hours before bedtime, it is better to use it in courses. Retinoic ointment is afraid of the sun’s rays, so the procedure is suitable only for cold and cloudy seasons. And this cheap pharmaceutical preparation is an indispensable remedy for those who have coarse heels. Retinoic ointment can also easily deal with this problem. Before using it, you need to steam the heels well and rub with a pumice stone.

What would be offered in the salon: complex facial skin care, biorevitalization.

Few people know that this effective remedy for burns is often used in cosmetology. D-Panthenol ointment can easily replace anti-wrinkle cream, but it is recommended only for women with dry skin. Apply the cream twice a day for a week. The result will pleasantly surprise: radiant and firm skin. It is also sometimes used instead of lip balm.

What would be offered in the salon: mesotherapy, biorevitalization.

Liquid Vitamin E is an essential ingredient in almost all face masks. Why give money for expensive cosmetics when it is easy to prepare a real elixir of youth at home. Just five drops in a mixture of clay and water are enough to get an excellent moisturizer for the skin around the eyes. You have to be very careful here.

What would be offered in the salon: multimaxing, laser skin resurfacing.

Badiaga is a freshwater sponge that is actively used in cosmetology. If you make a mask based on badyagi powder and hydrogen peroxide, then the effect will be no worse than after salon peeling, only several times cheaper. This remedy is suitable for those with problematic and oily skin. Often causes an allergic reaction. Before use, take a short test: try the action of a badyagi mask on a small area of ​​the skin, if there is severe redness and itching, then this remedy is not suitable for you. Redness is the norm. The most common badyagi mask: mix equal proportions of freshwater sponge powder and hydrogen peroxide. This mask can be kept on the face for no more than 10 minutes. It is best to do it at night so that all the redness will disappear by morning. There is also an excellent recipe: one teaspoon of badyagi powder is mixed with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add 2 tablespoons of cream (fat content 10%) to the resulting mixture. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water.

What would be offered in the salon: deep peeling.

Our mothers also used salicylic acid as a remedy for acne. You need to be very careful with this ointment. Best used for acne spot treatment. Otherwise, the skin may dry out. Also, keep in mind that salicylic acid destroys not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria.

What would be offered in the salon: collagen therapy, biorevitalization, peelings.

This aseptic wound treatment is available in any medicine cabinet. Cosmetologists have found active use of iodine to combat wrinkles. For example, beauty injections will be replaced by a night cream that can be used daily. You will need: 1 tsp. petroleum jelly, 1 tsp. honey, 2 drops of iodine, 1 tsp. castor oil. The shelf life of such a cream is 1 month.

It is good to use iodine for making homemade scrubs. Here’s a simple recipe: 1 tablespoon lemon juice, ½ tsp. sea ​​salt, 2 drops of iodine. Lemon juice can be replaced with kefir or olive oil. But doctors do not advise strengthening nails with iodine solution. Alcohol (and iodine is 96% of it) can leave burns on the nail plate.

What would be offered in the salon: deep peeling

If you have oily skin, then activated charcoal will do a great job with greasy shine and annoying blackheads. Cosmetologists advise doing masks with this drug weekly for a month, starting a second course in two months. After the procedure, it is imperative to apply a nourishing cream to the skin. One of the most common masks, which, in addition to one tablet of activated carbon, includes one teaspoon of blue clay, one tablespoon of milk (milk can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile) and one teaspoon of gelatin. All ingredients should be well grinded, then heated in a water bath until the tablet is completely dissolved. Apply the cooled mass to the skin of the face, wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes.

What would be offered in the salon: cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.

If you wipe your face in the morning with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile, then in a week your complexion will improve. The course of such a cryoprocedure should last from 10 to 15 days. After a couple of weeks, it should be repeated again.

Do not forget that pharmacists created all pharmaceutical products for the treatment of specific diseases. Before use, you need to consult a specialist. Also, be sure to take an allergy test.

What would be offered in the salon: LPG, collagen therapy, contour plastics, peels.

Shilajit is a mineral substance that resembles resin. Found in different parts of the world. In Russia, most often in Altai and the Caucasus. Now this substance is sold in all pharmacies, and it is widely used by cosmetologists. Shilajit is a kind of poison for wrinkles, as this substance makes the skin tighten. Mummy scrubs are a kind of alternative to expensive peels. Mountain resin masks are recommended to be done once every two weeks. The course should be at least 10 procedures. “Before choosing a mask, you need to consult with a specialist,” says cosmetologist Irina Antipova. – You need to know exactly the type of skin. For example, if the skin is oily, then a mask with lemon juice will do. The recipe is simple: two mummy tablets, pre-chopped, are mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice and whipped protein (1 egg is enough). A mask made from jojoba oil (2-3 drops), mummy balm (2 grams), boiled water (1 teaspoon) and baby cream (tube) fights against pigmentation. The same recipe (without jojoba oil) helps to tighten the skin in problem areas, make it elastic, get rid of cellulite, and reduce stretch marks. Only rub in every day for a month. “

What would be offered in the salon: biorevitalization, physiotherapy, removing eyelid redness, hyaluronic injections.

This drug is a panacea for mimic wrinkles. Well moisturizes and smoothes the delicate skin around the eyes. And the secret is that it contains a lot of hyaluronic acid, aloe vera juice and vitamins. Before use, it is necessary to test the product. Blepharogel may cause an allergic reaction. If redness does not occur, then you can proceed to the procedure. On pre-cleansed skin, the gel is gently applied using cotton pads. We focus on problem areas. You can rub the gel with your fingertips. To achieve the desired result, the procedure must be repeated three times a day for three weeks. Then take a break for a month and use the gel once before going to bed.

What would be offered in the salon: peelings.

An excellent remedy that reduces the work of the sebaceous glands, reduces irritation, whitens age spots. Zinc ointment is the first aid for the appearance of pimples, it also fights redness well. Various masks are often prepared with zinc ointment. If you have combination skin, then a green clay mask (2 tablespoons) and 1 tsp is suitable. zinc ointment. The resulting mixture must be diluted with water until thick. It is better to use such a mask every other day for four weeks. Also, cosmetologists recommend using zinc ointment after depilation in the bikini area. But salicylic-zinc ointment will cure acne on the back in a few months. Do not forget that all the same, these funds are medicinal, therefore, an allergic reaction is possible.

What would be offered in the salon: cryomassage, darsonvalization.

Natural birch tar, which is part of the soap, has an antiseptic agent. Despite the specific smell, tar soap is recommended by cosmetologists for oily seborrhea, to combat dandruff.

What would be offered in the salon: chemical peeling

Probably, many people remember this syrup, which was given for a cough. This drug can be used in cosmetology to combat age spots. To achieve a whitening effect, it is enough to rub the tincture into the problem areas of the face two to three times a day. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. The result will be a pleasant surprise!

What would be offered in the salon: LPG.

If you urgently need to lose weight, then a bath with magnesium will help. Dissolve 1 kg of salt in warm bath water. Losing weight is based on fluid loss. But only if you have no contraindications to this use of magnesia (it is better to check with your doctor). And you also can’t do a bath more than once a month. And of course, there should be no health problems.

What would be offered in the salon: medical manicure, biorevitalization.

Almond oil is a universal remedy in home cosmetology. The oil moisturizes well by retaining moisture in the skin, so it is used to treat dry skin on the elbows and cracked heels. Almond oil is used to massage the body and face – it rejuvenates, tightens the skin, nourishes and saturates with vitamins and minerals.

“Of the masks, I would recommend a simple and common recipe,” says cosmetologist Irina Antipova. – This is a versatile mask that will suit all skin types. It will take 1 tbsp. l. oat flour, 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, 3 drops of lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. almond oil. Mix everything, apply on the face and rinse off after 15 minutes. And almond oil is able to restore shine and growth to your curls, effectively fights dandruff. If you regularly lubricate the cuticles near your nails with magic oil, you can do without a trim manicure. “

What would be offered in the salon: professional skin care.

According to statistics, French and German women have recently preferred rose water among all skin care products. If you are already 30 years old, but you do not want to age, then regular washing with rose water will restore the skin elasticity and youth. By the way, you can make a healing remedy yourself. To do this, it will be enough to pour the rose petals with two glasses of boiling water and let the broth brew for 12 hours.

What would be offered in the salon: mesotherapy and hair keratinization

Our grandmothers also made special masks from burdock oil for hair treatment. The oil penetrates well into the hair roots, nourishes the scalp and restores the structure of the curls, in addition, it improves blood microcirculation at the site of application. With regular use of the oil, you will notice an amazing effect – hair will grow faster, less split and fall out, and combing after washing will not cause a lot of negative emotions and pain. The simplest mask recipe: heat the oil to 35–37 ° С, apply it to the hair along the entire length. Massage the skin, wrap the curls with cellophane film, and wrap it with a towel on top. After an hour, rinse your hair with shampoo. Since the oil is difficult to rinse off, do not use products that are too mild that contain conditioners.

What would be offered in the salon: peels

This effective anti-inflammatory agent has found application in cosmetology. At home, calendula tincture is used to smooth and whiten skin, remove scars and scars, tighten pores, and treat acne. True, it is better to give preference to a tincture prepared not with alcohol, but with water. Such a solution will not dry out the skin and can even be used instead of lotion or cleanser.

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