How to save grape leaves for dolma

How to save grape leaves for dolma

Grape leaves are used to wrap dolma – a dish made from rice, small pieces of meat or minced meat and herbs. Harvesting leaves must be done in the summer in order to enjoy the spicy taste of the dish in winter. How to save grape leaves for dolma for the winter? There are several ways from which housewives can choose the most suitable for themselves.

How to preserve grape leaves: picking

The leaves of the white grape varieties are plucked between May and June. Look for items that are smooth, soft to the touch, and have small veins. It is forbidden to rip off:

  • leaves of maiden or ornamental grapes – they are considered wild varieties, unsuitable for food;
  • leaves that are affected by fungus and mold, as well as specimens where insect pests are located;
  • leaves painted in strange colors: yellowish, whitish or cream;
  • leaves that began to darken on one side from sunburn;
  • leaves growing on a vine near the road.

How to save grape leaves for dolma for the winter?

You should not collect old leaves either, as they contain harmful substances. Experienced gardeners in this case recommend plucking the 5th, 6th and 7th specimens, counting from the top of the vine. It is desirable that they are all the same size.

How to keep grape leaves for the winter?

If you wish, you can simply freeze the leaves. To do this, they must be rolled up and folded into a plastic bag. Then you can put everything in the freezer. When you want to cook dolma, defrost these leaves first in cold water, and then follow the recipe.

Be sure to sort out the plucked leaves to get rid of suspicious specimens. Rinse each of them with tap water and cut off the cuttings. Now choose any of the methods of harvesting leaves for the winter:

  1. Fresh storage. Roll the leaves into rolls and 8-10 pcs. place over glass jars. Sterilize them in the oven for about 30 minutes. Then put the containers in a cool, dark place.
  2. Pickling. Prepare a special brine on the stove: 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. Pour the marinade over the leaf rolls in the jars. Leave the latter overnight, and in the morning, close the lids and put in the refrigerator.
  3. Canning. Collect 20 leaves in a tube. Dip them in boiling water for 3 seconds and then in cold water. Divide the leaves into jars. Fill everything with cold brine – 45 g of salt per 1 liter of water. After 2-3 days, add 1 tsp there. vinegar and roll up the jars.
  4. Salting. Prepare a 10% salt solution. Take a container of 1,5 liters and pour cold brine into it. Store grape leaves where it is cool. Before use, they need to be soaked in water for 2 hours.

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