How to save frozen flowers, dried flower
Indoor plants decorate the interior, make it more comfortable. However, ignorance of the rules for caring for them leads to sad consequences: they dry up and die. In order to revive your favorite plants, it is useful to know how to save frozen flowers, what to do with plants suffering from over-or under-watering.
How to save a flower: practical recommendations
Before proceeding with resuscitation measures, you need to determine what exactly caused the deplorable state of the plant. As a rule, two main problems lead to its death: excessive and insufficient watering. Recovery measures are dramatically different for each of these cases.
To decide how to save flowers, you need to understand the reason for their deplorable state.
Overdried flowers can be recognized by the following:
- falling leaves;
- drying of buds and inflorescences;
- lethargy of the stems.
Flooded plants are characterized by:
- the appearance of mold on the stem or leaves;
- falling leaves;
- the appearance on them of a characteristic brownish tint;
- softening of the stem.
How to save a dried flower? First of all, water it intensively. But there is one subtlety: overdried soil does not absorb moisture well, water from the watering can will simply flow into the drainage holes without giving the desired effect. Proceed differently: Pour the liquid into a bowl or bowl and place the pot there. After 40-60 minutes, air bubbles from the soil will stop rising to the surface. This means the plant can be pulled out.
Water it properly after resuscitation.
How to save a flooded flower? With excessive watering, the root system of the plant begins to rot. To restore a flower, remove its substrate from the pot, let it dry a little. After that, revise and remove rotting root elements. Return the substrate to the soil only when it is dry. After that, the first watering can be done.
If a houseplant is frozen by drafts or other factors, proceed as follows:
- remove the flower in a room with a sufficiently high temperature;
- place the pot in a bowl of warm water for 20-30 minutes;
- add Kornevin or Fundazol to the first watering.
If it was not possible to save a plant dying from improper care, despite all the measures taken, use the situation to your advantage. Cut off healthy twigs and place in water. Soon they will take root and you will be able to plant new flowers.