The exotic beauty orchid has been actively taking root on domestic windowsills for the last decade. Caring for the “queen of the tropics” is laborious, so from time to time there are difficulties with growing a plant. Fans of exquisite bright colors may be concerned that the roots of the orchid are sluggish. Sometimes the leaves of the plant turn yellow, flowers do not appear. How to save a flower in such a situation?
How to save an orchid if the roots are rotten?
The family of orchids, numbering 30 thousand species, grows all over the world (with the exception of Antarctica). The most beautiful are tropical and subtropical plants, distinguished by large flowers with spectacular colors. It is they who are grown as indoor plants.
The reasons why indoor orchids die or do not bloom can be:
a sharp change in conditions of detention;
incorrectly selected substrate;
waterlogging or overdrying of the soil;
hypothermia, draft;
direct sunlight on the leaves;
low air humidity;
excessive or improper spraying;
lack of light;
diseases (phyllostictosis, ticks, thrips, fungal or viral infection).
Errors in care that can lead to the death of a plant are indicated by lethargy and uneven color of the leaves, the appearance of cracks, bumps, darkening, yellowness on them. At the same time, the gradual withering away of the lower greenery is a natural process that does not require radical measures. You need to worry about the health of the orchid when young leaves turn yellow.
With abundant watering, the roots of the plant suffer. They brighten or, conversely, darken, become flabby, hollow. How to save an orchid if the roots are rotten? The plant is taken out of the pot. The old substrate and dead parts are carefully removed, leaving only green healthy roots. The orchid is transplanted into a mixture of bark, moss and pieces of styrofoam. Place the pot on the window, placing it in a tray of water and pebbles. The leaves of the plant are wiped daily with a damp cloth.
How to save orchid roots that have been burned with fertilizer salts? The affected plant is recognized by the woodiness of the roots and the lethargy of the leaves. A similar picture is observed when watering with hard water. The soft roots of the orchid are cut off, then placed on the bark. Water the flower by soaking. To do this, water is poured into a container with a substrate to a third of the height – so the roots do not directly contact the liquid. Every morning the leaves are rubbed on both sides with succinic acid.
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