How to save a spoiled dish: 8 life hacks

During cooking, even an ideal housewife can have a nuisance: she oversalted, burned, cooked a sauce that was too thin or too thick, overdid it with seasonings and spices. How to save a dish from an unforeseen force majeure?

  • Salty soup

To oversalt the first course is quite simple, and you don’t have to be head over heels in love. During cooking and after the soup is infused, the taste can differ significantly. Or you can simply forget whether the dish is already salted or not. It would seem that spoiled soup has a direct road to the trash. But you can try to revive it. Add more water to the soup or add lemon juice, vinegar. Rice dipped in cheesecloth and cooked to readiness will also absorb excess salt – at the same time, a side dish for the second will be ready.

  • Proteins do not whip up

Whites that are not cold enough or fresh tend to whisk poorly, no matter how hard you try. Thanks to the whipped proteins, the baked goods take on a completely different, more airy look. To begin with, place the protein mass in the refrigerator, covering the dishes with a lid so that moisture and foreign aromas do not get in, for 10-15 minutes. Add a pinch of salt to the cold protein and whisk quickly.

  • Too spicy dish

Even more spicy lovers can overdo it with the addition of chili peppers. An absolutely bland side dish can save a meat dish; any other can simply be diluted with creamy, milk sauce, citric or acetic acid. Of course, the taste of such a dish will turn out to be different.

  • Liquid cream soup

The consistency of the cream soup should resemble thick sour cream, but not a liquid grated stew. You can thicken the soup with bread crumb, boiled rice, or whipped legume puree.

  • Withered greens

The habit of buying greens for future use can play a cruel joke. You urgently need fresh leaves for the salad, but they have completely wilted and began to turn yellow: The washed and dried greens must be stored in the refrigerator, hermetically sealed. Dip already wilted greens in ice water for a while and pat dry with paper towels. After such a procedure, the greens will freshen up, but they should be consumed as soon as possible.

  • Melted chocolate thickened

Chocolate melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven will be needed for the final touch in decorating desserts. Of course, it will not remain liquid for a long time. Reheating may cause the chocolate to split. In order to return it to its fluid form, you should use vegetable oil that is neutral in taste and smell. With it, the chocolate will become smooth and shiny again.

  • The cake does not stray from the mold

A cake stuck to a baking dish is a hassle. A beautiful top is important for TVs, then keep the cake in a pan until it cools completely. Then place the mold in warm water so that the water is halfway up. The cake will loosen up quickly.

  • Lusciously sweet sauce

Sometimes, even for a sweet tooth, a lot of sugar will be sugary. Citric acid will help neutralize the sweet taste.

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