There are several indicators by which you can recognize a successful person. One of the main ones is that a Successful Person does not complain about the lack of time, because he knows that each of us has a week of 168 hours, and they can be used in such a way that there is enough for all the planned tasks.
And it’s not just the usual examples of time management. There is an interesting technique — «Two Hours Solution» — it is not as well known as others — but it is very effective. It does not affect willpower or organization, but our perception of ourselves — it takes into account the work of the brain and therefore helps to get amazing results: for example, save 20 hours a week for personal needs or increase your income by 30, 50, and sometimes 300% . What is it that needs to be done during these two hours?
Once a week, you give yourself two hours of free time, armed with a planning tool. It can be Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal or any digital tool of your choice. You can use a regular paper weekly if you prefer.
Step 1. Remember everything: refresh the goals. The problem with many people is that they rarely remember their key goal, and therefore constantly deviate from the route. Take the first 10 minutes to review your Main Goal. Imagine how you achieve it. Rejoice as you see your goals come to life in your head.
Step 2. Schedule meetings. In the second step, we remember all the tasks and meetings that we have planned. Now ask yourself a few questions about the things ahead: What results are desired? Is this meeting really necessary? Are the right people invited? How to get the most out of this time? Should this period be shortened? Maybe extend? What preparations will be required?
Write down the missing items. Pay close attention to this step. Good preparation for meetings is half the success.
There are 7 video lessons in the course. View >>