How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Autumn is the best period to pickle chanterelles. It is at this time that they acquire a special aroma and are most rich in useful substances. Vitamin A, C, B1, B2, manganese, potassium, phosphorus – this is an incomplete list of the elements that are present here. And worms never settle in them.

Is it possible to salt chanterelles for the winter

You can salt any variety of edible mushrooms. Chanterelles are no exception to the rule. Salting is the second most popular way of preparing these forest gifts. Despite the fact that some of the vitamins are lost during the heat treatment, the benefits of the dish are great, not to mention the taste. There are three ways to salt chanterelles for the winter:

  • cold
  • hot;
  • dry

Any of them is suitable for preserving the crop.

Attention! You can salt chanterelles at home only in glass jars, pots or wooden barrels. Galvanized or earthenware is not suitable for these purposes – upon contact with it, mushrooms emit harmful substances.

Is it necessary to soak chanterelles before salting

Regarding this stage of preparation, there are two opposing opinions. Some mushroom pickers believe that it is necessary to soak those species that contain bitterness, for example, milk mushrooms, while chanterelles can even be eaten raw. And given that they never have worms, keeping them in saline also makes no sense.

According to other recipes for cooking for the winter, salted chanterelle mushrooms must be soaked for a day before boiling. Pre-calibrate the collected product. Small mushrooms will absorb flavors and additives faster, so it is better to cook them separately from medium ones. Large – it is not customary to salt at all, they are more suitable for freezing or frying. The calibrated collection is poured with brine, consisting of:

  • 10 g table salt;
  • 1 L of water;
  • 2 g citric acid.
Attention! If you need more liquid, the amount of ingredients is increased in compliance with the original proportions. In an acidic solution, the workpiece is salted for 24 hours.

How to salt chanterelles for the winter in jars

Recipes for salting chanterelles for the winter are considered the simplest. This proven method will allow you to save the harvest until the next season. There are three main salting techniques: cold, hot and dry method. Everything else is just minor variations with proportions and the introduction of additional ingredients and aromatic additives.

How to salt chanterelles in a cold way

It helps to preserve the natural smell and taste of the main ingredient, although some of the benefits will still be lost due to heat treatment. The essence of the method is that traditional brine is not used for cooking, but mushrooms are salted in their own juices.

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

For 3 liters:

  • freshly cut chanterelles – 3,5 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 0,5 l;
  • table coarse salt – 170 g;
  • garlic cloves – 5-6 pieces;
  • dill inflorescences (can be dried) – 9-10 umbrellas.

Cooking technique:

  1. A convenient way to clean the collection of forest debris, some housewives use a toothbrush for this. Then rinse the mushrooms under running water and place in salted boiling water for 15 minutes.
  2. Free the garlic cloves from the husk and cut into thin slices.
  3. Distribute half the norm of dill and mushrooms on the bottom of the dishes. Then add ½ part of the salt and the same amount of garlic.
  4. Lay the remaining mushrooms and cover with spices.
  5. Salt under oppression for 2-3 days.
  6. Arrange the appetizer in sterile jars, add vegetable oil on top so that it completely covers the surface, and close with lids.

It is necessary to store such a workpiece in a cool place, ideally in the refrigerator.

How to salt chanterelle mushrooms in a hot way

You can also pickle chanterelles for the winter in jars in a hot way. It is a little more complicated than the first option, but the result will be worth the effort.

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

 For 3 liters:

  • freshly picked mushrooms – 3 kg;
  • water – 6 l;
  • garlic head – 1 pc.;
  • coarse salt – 150 g;
  • spices – 7 bay leaves, 10 peas of black and allspice.

Cooking technique:

  1. Sort and wash the harvest.
  2. Dilute in half the water 6 tbsp. salt and boil.
  3. Throw the chanterelles into the pan, boil for half an hour.
  4. Prepare the brine separately. To do this, mix all the seasonings, with the exception of garlic, salt and pour the remaining water. Boil composition.
  5. With a slotted spoon, transfer the products to a container for brining. Sprinkle garlic slices on top.
  6. Pour everything with brine and put under oppression for 2 days.
  7. After that, the workpiece is laid out in sterile jars with sealed lids and stored in a cool place.

Dry ambassador of chanterelles

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

To deliciously pickle chanterelles at home, it is not necessary to use a marinade. There is a dry salting technique.

For 1 liters:

  • peeled mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • garlic to taste;
  • coarse crystalline salt – 100 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the mushrooms in salt water for 20 minutes, then rinse them in cold tap water.
  2. Cut the peeled garlic cloves into slices with a knife.
  3. Sprinkle the bottom of a large enameled pan with salt, on which lay the chanterelles. All of them should lie in such a way that the legs look up and the hats are located below.
  4. Sprinkle with salt and garlic, lay the next mushroom layer – so alternate products.
  5. Salt the workpiece under oppression. At room temperature, it should stand for 1 month. Periodically, so that the plate and oppression do not oxidize, they are washed in salty hot water.
Attention! If enough juice is not released during the infusion, it is necessary to increase the severity of oppression. As a result, the liquid should completely cover the products. After a month, the dish is transferred to sterile jars or left in a saucepan, but it must be stored in the cold.

Is it possible to salt chanterelles with other mushrooms 

Assorted preparation is not as common as the classic preparation method. Although you can salt different types of mushrooms in one jar. In this case, it is worth considering only the difference in the cooking time of different varieties. If chanterelles are boiled for 25-30 minutes, then a quarter of an hour is enough for porcini mushrooms and aspen mushrooms. You need to select combinations based on this parameter.

Honey mushrooms and boletus have the same cooking time as chanterelles. Therefore, it is with them that the combination is most successful. Otherwise, the existing mushrooms are first salted separately, and they are mixed already at the stage of placing them in a jar.

Recipes for salted chanterelles for the winter

Given the huge number of aromatic additives and spices that mushrooms are combined with, many recipes have appeared with photos of salted chanterelles for the winter. The most successful of them are discussed below.

A simple recipe for salting chanterelles for the winter

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Mushrooms can be salted for the future with a minimum amount of ingredients – a simplified version of the dry cooking method. For this:

  1. The main product is washed, dried and laid in layers in enameled, glass or wooden dishes.
  2. Each mushroom tier is salted, it takes about 2 g per 100 kg of harvest.
  3. Next, the workpiece is pressed and put in the cold for 30 days.
  4. If desired, the taste is supplemented with suitable spices.

A quick way to pickle chanterelles for the winter

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Modern people especially appreciate recipes that do not require much time to prepare. This method also exists for salting. The next day the snack is ready.

For 0,5 liters:

  • clean chanterelles – 0,5 kg;
  • coarse salt – 2 tsp;
  • laurel – 3 leaves;
  • cloves of garlic – 2 pcs.;
  • dried clove buds and peppercorns – 3 pcs.

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the mushrooms in water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of salt.
  2. Pour spices and hold on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Transfer to a container suitable for salting, sprinkle with chopped garlic, pour the remaining brine and press down with oppression.

The next day, delicious salted chanterelles can be eaten or transferred to a sterilized jar for longer storage.

Recipe for salting chanterelles for the winter in jars with fragrant spices

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Chanterelles react favorably to spices, so they must be salted with a whole range of spices.

For 2 liters:

  • chanterelles – 2 kg;
  • salt – 30 g;
  • vinegar 25% – 20 ml;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • dried marjoram – 10 g;
  • laurel – a pair of leaves;
  • greens of dill, celery and parsley – 30 g each;
  • water – 1 l;
  • onion half rings – 75 g.

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the forest collection for 10 minutes, pre-salt the water. Drain the broth and dilute it so that you end up with a liter.
  2. Disassemble the greens into leaves.
  3. Put the mushrooms in sterile containers, alternating them with onions, marjoram and herbs.
  4. Add the bite and sugar to the broth, bring to a boil and pour over the workpiece.
  5. Close the lids, turn over and wrap in a blanket. When the jars have cooled, put them in the basement.

How to pickle chanterelles tasty for the winter with dill

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Dill greens will add a special flavor to the dish. Previously, it is cleaned of yellowed branches.

For 1,5 liters:

  • clean chanterelles – 2 kg;
  • salt – 400 g;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic cloves – 6 pcs.

Cooking technique:

  1. Boil the mushrooms until tender, then discard them in a colander and let dry.
  2. Grind dill greens, cut garlic into slices, you can use a special grater.
  3. Sprinkle the bottom of the enameled pan with salt, lay half of the greens and garlic, and then the chanterelles.
  4. Duplicate the third paragraph.
  5. Cover the workpiece with a cotton cloth from above and put oppression. Salt in the cool for a month.
Advice! During the aging process, you can add new portions. In this case, the total salting time is increased slightly.

Salted chanterelles for the winter in jars with onions

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

The crop harvested in this way is stored for no longer than 2 months.

For 1,5 liters:

  • chanterelles, divided into hats and legs – 1,5 kg;
  • onion – 4 heads, cut into half rings;
  • salt and sunflower oil – to taste;
  • dill umbrellas and garlic – 3 pcs.

Cooking technique:

  1. Pour boiling water over mushroom caps.
  2. Put all part of the chanterelles in a saucepan and pour boiling water for a few minutes, then let dry in a colander.
  3. Put the mushrooms in jars, alternating them with onions and chopped garlic.
  4. Pour dill umbrellas with boiling water and add to the mushrooms.
  5. Put the workpiece under oppression for a day, then pour it with warmed oil, roll it up and put it in the refrigerator.

How to salt chanterelles for the winter in jars with mustard seeds

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

To cook mushrooms deliciously, it is not necessary to make pickle for chanterelles for the winter. One such recipe is the mustard seed option.

For 3 liters:

  • washed mushrooms – 3 kg;
  • dill – 12 umbrellas;
  • mustard seeds – 1 tbsp;
  • salt – 160 g;
  • minced garlic – 6 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 0,5 l.

Cooking technique:

  1. Dip the chanterelles in boiling water for 3 minutes.
  2. Line the bottom of the pan with dill mixed with salt.
  3. Spread over the chanterelles, add mustard, garlic and salt. Duplicate layers.
  4. Place under oppression for 1,5 days, then arrange in jars, pour over heated oil and roll up.
Attention! You need to store such chanterelles in the cold, no more than six months.

How to deliciously salt chanterelles at home with horseradish leaves

How to salt chanterelles: recipes for cooking at home

Such a component will give the dish a special piquancy.

For 3 liters:

  • pre-soaked chanterelles – 3 kg;
  • horseradish leaves – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.;
  • salt – 150 of

Cooking technique:

  1. Scald the leaves and place in a saucepan and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Spread a layer of mushrooms, season with garlic and dill. Alternating products, lay all the chanterelles in this way. The final level is horseradish leaves with salt.
  3. Salt foods under oppression for 3 days so that they release juice.
  4. Mushrooms that have reached the desired condition are decomposed into sterile jars, filling the surface with oil.
Attention! Chanterelles must spend another 1 month in the bank, only after that they are ready for use.

Calorie salted chanterelles

Chanterelles are classified as dietary products. 100 g contain only 18 kcal. Fats are completely absent. But proteins and carbohydrates – 1 and 2 g, respectively.

Terms and conditions of storage

The maximum shelf life of salted mushrooms is six months. However, a number of recipes make it possible to save chanterelles for a much shorter period – from a couple of months to two weeks.

The maximum shelf life is ensured only under the following storage conditions:

  • lack of contact with direct sunlight (it is better to keep the jars in the dark at all) and high humidity;
  • sterile glass container with hermetically sealed lids;
  • cool ambient temperature, ideal range +5 +6 degrees.
Advice! Once a week, jars of pickles need to be shaken. Then the brine will be able to wash the floating ingredients. This will prevent the spoilage process from starting.


Even the hostess, who has never previously engaged in food preservation, can salt the chanterelles. All recipes are elementary and include available ingredients. So, at the first opportunity, you should definitely stock up on such mushroom preparations for the winter.

Pickled Chanterelle Mushrooms. Detailed Recipe.

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