How to salt a sturgeon. Video recipe

How to salt a sturgeon. Video recipe

Sturgeon is considered one of the most delicious fish, and in salted form it is no less tasty than cooked according to other recipes. You can also pickle sturgeon on your own, it is only important to purchase sufficiently fresh fish.

How to salt a sturgeon. Video recipe

What sturgeon is suitable for salting

Before salting sturgeon, it is very important to choose high-quality fish, since it will be eaten without further heat treatment. In addition, the freshness of the fish also affects its taste and is especially noticeable when salted. Best of all, if the sturgeon is not frozen, it is easiest to check its quality. Fresh fish should have clean, cloudy eyes, a smooth surface, a pleasant smell and a sufficiently firm fillet. Press your finger on the side of the carcass: if the resulting depression quickly disappears, then the fish is fresh.

You can use it for salting and frozen sturgeon, but no seller can guarantee that after thawing its meat will retain its shape, since the storage conditions for frozen fish are often violated

What is required for salting

For salting, take: – 1 kg of sturgeon; – 50 g of coarse salt; – 15 g of sugar; – 5 g of black pepper; – 5 g of coriander; – 2-3 bay leaves.

You can use ready-made spice mixtures for cooking fish as a seasoning for salt.

Fresh fish can be washed and cut immediately, frozen first, leave at room temperature until the ice coat is completely removed. Despite the fact that sturgeon can be salted with whole steaks, it is much more convenient to eat it in the form of layers. So take a little time to get the fish fillet, freeing the sturgeon not only from the head, fins, skin and entrails, but also from the ridge with bones.

If you are cutting thawed fish and it breaks up into small pieces, then it is better to put it aside and cook it according to a different recipe. This state of the fish means that it has been frozen again and is not suitable for salting. Having prepared the fish, mix together salt, sugar and spices, then rub the resulting sturgeon balyk with them from all sides. Place the fish in a dish wide enough for the sturgeon to fit in a single layer completely. Try to pick up glass or ceramic dishes for salting, as metal fish can get a not very pleasant aftertaste. Cover the top of the fish with a lid with a smaller diameter, on which you put oppression. As oppression, you can use any heavy object that fits on top of the mold, for example, a jar of water. Keep the fish warm for an hour, then put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Then you can remove the oppression and enjoy the juicy flesh of the sturgeon.

In the next article, you will find tips from chefs on how to prepare a luxurious seafood salad with red caviar at home.

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