How to safely travel by car? Important advice from a specialist

The tragic accident of the Polish coach in Croatia touched the whole country. There is still speculation about the causes of the event. There are voices that it could have led to it, inter alia, driver fatigue. This is a problem that may affect many people during the holidays – it is now that we travel long distances with our families to rest. How should a driver take care of his condition and safety? For MedTvoiLokony explains the drug. Alicja Sapała-Smoczyńska, internist, pediatrician, travel medicine doctor and head of the medical department for operational matters at Medicover Hospital.

  1. Many hours of driving, even for professional drivers, can be burdensome
  2. When getting ready for a long route, it is worth ensuring the comfort of driving. Regular and frequent breaks should not be forgotten either
  3. Any signals that tell the driver about concentration disorders are usually the second or third stage of fatigue, so they suggest it is time for a break, says the drug. Alicja Sapała-Smoczyńska
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Adrian Dąbek, Medonet: How long is the human body able to “ride on adrenaline”, catching three hours of sleep each night?

Bow. Alicja Sapała-Smoczyńska: This is of course an individual matter, each organism reacts differently to chronic stress. However, research shows that after about a week of such a change, our body responds hormonally, and thus our well-being changes.

What is the risk of such an overthrowing of the organism?

First of all, changes to our internal hormonal system that works great. The organism functions as under conditions of chronic stress, i.e. in terms of experience. Clinically, it may be accompanied by a decrease in concentration, fatigue, drowsiness, and reduced ability to make us more flexible. Then we are dealing with dysregulation of blood pressure, glycemia or even thyroid hormones.

The holidays are underway. Many of us go by car to distant places. What is the safe maximum non-stop driving time?

It is always safest to take a break after 1-2 hours, not only to refresh your mind and improve concentration, but, for example, to take care of your lower limbs to prevent thromboembolism.

How can we improve the driving comfort?

Hydration, breaks, correct seat positioning while driving, correct temperature and air humidity – these are the most important rules.

How to position the armchair?

The lower limbs must be able to move freely and the back must be in the muscular comfort zone. The headrest must be where the head is, not the nape.

How to recognize the signals that the need to continue driving is still there, but the body is already saying “rest”?

Any signals that tell the driver about a concentration disorder are usually the second or third stage of fatigue, so it is high time to take a break.

Do you want to support your energy and concentration? The right supplement can help. You will find it in Medonet Market.

What is the best way to regenerate while driving? Break for a short nap? Walk?

There is no golden mean – a nap, a walk, dividing the road into several sections.

What can you support while driving? What to take with you on a trip?

Water, healthy snacks that slowly release carbohydrates will keep you full longer.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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