How to safely exercise at home? A proven method for a gorgeous figure and a healthy back
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Physical health and its impact on the psyche is one of the most important aspects that should be taken care of in order to avoid many dangerous diseases. Even WHO experts support this claim, presenting credible research and proving that the health benefits of physical activity are significant. It is i.a. improving cognitive function, improving the quality of sleep and overall health-related quality of life.

However, despite genuine intentions and compelling evidence, sometimes our favorite health club is closed or funding is limited. Then the only option is to train at home or outdoors. How to make such training remain safe? Will you be able to achieve spectacular results without training in the gym? Next, we’ll discover the answers to these extremely frequently asked questions.

What does the WHO say about physical activity?

In November 2020, WHO announced the latest guidelines for physical activity and sedentary lifestyles. The main emphasis was placed on the need to significantly shorten the sitting time – it was concluded that even standing up can improve the health of people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Experts concluded that even the slightest physical activity is better than none. According to them, leading a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of death from cardiovascular causes almost threefold, so they recommend that healthy adults engage in 3-750 minutes of intense or 150-150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. However, as already mentioned, in the case of a sedentary lifestyle, every physical activity undertaken is worth its weight in gold.

Basics of planning physical activity

Maybe not everything in life can be planned, but there are some things that without proper preparation in the form of a plan may simply not work out. What should I do first? How to calculate your caloric needs or find or create an exercise program? How many times a week to do chest training and what sculpting exercises should you do at home? How to do safe yard training at home? These are the first questions to be answered if the training is to be safe and effective. What if someone answered these questions for us? This possibility is opened by the creators of an innovative platform that allows us to maintain complete security, supervised by a highly qualified personal trainer Adrian Grygiewicz and manager Paweł Kiszło.

A professional training platform that helps you plan your training

“I have been running a training studio for a long time, in which I offer personal training. It is a friendly form for those for whom a safe space is important that does not generate stress and is devoid of other people’s eyes, as is often the case within the walls of a traditional gym. At one point I thought that my time is unfortunately not made of rubber and there are more and more customers, so I had to come up with something that would allow me to take care of them as well. Thanks to the cooperation with Paweł, who initially trained under my supervision, we set up the “Wytwórnia Sylwelki” platform, which is to help those who do not have the time and often the courage to train in the gym or to create an exercise program by hand is too exhausting for them. “- says Adrian Grygiewicz, founder of the Silhouette Studio and a personal trainer.

On the platform you can find a proprietary training program strengthening the whole body. The main advantage of the plan is focusing not only on sculpting the figure, but above all dealing with common ailments, e.g. through back training at home or chest training. The exercises available in the program focus on the individual needs of the client and the effects they want to achieve. What’s more, it allows you to achieve all of this without leaving your home, without demanding training beyond your skills and fitness level, and without stiff schedules. The entire program is carried out under the watchful eye of the trainer, who can be consulted at any time in case of doubt.

“We specialize in training that includes several stages: building movement patterns, the stabilization stage, improving muscle endurance, gaining strength, power and agility, as well as functional training adapted to the current lifestyle of the trainee. The personalized program in the format of 4 exercises performed in 4 series, which we offer as part of the platform, takes into account not only the level of physical fitness or flexibility of place and time, but also posture defects and relaxes the muscles that are necessary to improve mobility. Moreover, the entire program does not require a lot of time, because its frequency is min. 3 times a week, and the duration is only 30 minutes, ”says Paweł Kiszło, manager of Wytwórnia Sylwelki.

How to prepare for physical activity at home?

In order to sculpt a perfect figure, it is not enough just to exercise. Yes, it is extremely important in the whole process, but a proper diet turns out to be equally important. It’s not about what to eat and what to avoid, but how much to eat. Therefore, it will be important to know how to calculate your caloric requirement. Thanks to it, it will be possible to estimate how much calories will be optimal to lose or maintain weight. You can do it yourself or put yourself in the hands of a personal trainer or an experienced dietitian who will also suggest a nutrition plan.

Regardless of whether you have chosen the Silhouette Studio training program or any other available in the abyss of the Internet, it will be a good idea to watch the training before you start. It is very important to understand exactly what movements you need to make in order to render them very accurately later. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid serious injuries. What’s more, by watching the entire video in advance, you can organize all the equipment you need.

As obvious as it may seem, choosing a comfortable workout outfit is very important. The best option is one that will not restrict movement and will be airy, thus guaranteeing comfort.

The same applies to the place – make sure that the exercise area is spacious enough for you to do the exercises correctly, e.g. when performing exercises for the chest sculpture, you need more room at home than shoulder width apart.

When is the best time to train? In fact, any one that suits you. There is only one rule: do not train immediately after a meal!

You don’t have to be a WHO expert to know that physical activity is good for your health. It is good to choose proven tools, because just as sport is beneficial, non-compliance with the rules of exercise can end in a disaster. We believe that the platform described above is a good example of a healthy and comprehensive approach to health.

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