How to run in rainy weather

What to do if the snow suddenly melted in winter, it started to rain, and you just got used to winter jogging? Let’s remember.

Running in rainy weather is great for hardening, but for this it is imperative to choose the right clothes and shoes. Unlike in winter, you don’t need to wear a large number of layers of clothing – everything will get wet, and you will become cold and uncomfortable. Ideally, limit yourself to two layers: the one that is adjacent to the body, and directly outerwear. As the bottom layer, thermal underwear or sportswear made of quick-drying and breathable fabric is suitable. As for outerwear, be sure to put on a cap on your head so that drops do not get into your eyes, and also choose a waterproof windbreaker. Sneakers must have non-slip soles (you don’t want to fall, right)?

So, a few rules for running in the rain:

  • you will get wet anyway, so come to terms with this thought in advance;
  • do not dress too warmly – this will lead to excessive sweating;
  • avoid cotton clothes: wet cotton fabric is heavy, uncomfortable and guaranteed to spoil your mood;
  • warm up in a warm room – at home or in the stairwell;
  • pack all electronic devices in waterproof cases;
  • upon your return, take a warm shower and drink tea.

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