If there is noise in the ears or they often and for a long time lays, perhaps the reason is sulfur plugs. If you do not yet have the opportunity to see a doctor, you should figure out how to flush your ears from sulfur plugs. A solution of hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, or vegetable oil is useful.
How to rinse your ears from sulfur plugs? It is advisable to entrust this to the doctor
Before the procedure, make sure you have sterile gloves, cotton wool and a syringe. For flushing, hydrogen peroxide (3%), vegetable oil or glycerin are most often used. Any product should be at room temperature. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
So, to get rid of the sulfur plug, you need:
- take such a position of the head so that the ear canal is directed vertically. For this, it is better to lie down, but you can carry out the procedure while sitting;
- take a little rinsing agent with a pipette and drip it into the ear, closing it with cotton wool;
- without changing position, wait about 3-5 minutes, then remove the cotton wool;
- if the cork has formed recently, then after several such procedures it will come out after the final rinsing with warm water, but if the accumulation is old and tightly rammed, you will have to use a different method;
- to remove dense plugs, a soda solution is prepared – 1 tsp. half a glass of warm water or brew chamomile – 1 tsp. a glass of water;
- you need to fill the syringe with the agent without a needle and try to wash the cork;
- if not everything is removed after rinsing, then you need to re-drop peroxide or oil into the ear, close it with a cotton swab and wait;
- wash softened residues.
After all, treat the ear canal by treating the visible part with alcohol – this will prevent the development of infections, and also speed up drying. This must be done carefully, otherwise sulfur plugs may soon form again. Do not use cotton swabs or other thin objects to remove the remaining cork. At best, you tamp the plug even deeper; at worst, you injure the eardrum.
If, after all the manipulations, the cork still does not come out, go to the ENT.
The doctor will either rinse the ear with an antiseptic solution under pressure, or remove it with a special vacuum device
Remember that this should be done only after consulting a doctor and as carefully as possible. Before you rinse the ear from the sulfur plug, you need to know for sure that there are no purulent formations or inflammation in the ear canals, in these cases, self-rinsing of the ear is dangerous.
It is also interesting to read: how to drip boric alcohol into the ear with otitis media correctly