How to return home after a vacation with a pet: tips

Worms, known in the scientific world as helminths, are parasites that, when they enter the body of an animal or human, settle in the intestines. The toxic substances that they release in the process of life, poison the immune system and provoke the development of health problems: disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, disorder of the central nervous system, loss of vision (maybe even up to blindness). Not always experts can establish a connection between similar diseases and worms.

However, helminths are also dangerous for pets. Infected cats and dogs are much more difficult to tolerate infectious diseases, which can even lead to death (for example, distemper and enteritis).

Therefore, after returning home, it is better to immediately take preventive measures in order to try to protect yourself and your pet from these ailments. First, examine your pet. Check if the coat has faded, if your four-legged friend has lost weight, if it itches too often … Also, be sure to examine the skin for bald, reddened and flaky areas.

If your pet is too thin, he has an increased or decreased appetite, as well as “riding on the priest,” then, most likely, he picked up worms, so you need to take action.

So, for example, anthelmintic drugs were specially developed to protect four-legged friends. For prevention, it is worth choosing one that has a complex effect, and therefore is effective against several types of parasites.

Such drugs are designed to free animals from dangerous parasites that can also be transmitted to humans. When ingested, they have a point effect, without exerting any negative effect on the body, and then are removed after completing their mission – the destruction of parasites. Taking such drugs can be facilitated by the fact that the drug has the shape of a bone and the smell of meat, which attracts animals.

But besides preventive measures, if you suddenly notice something serious, do not delay a visit to a specialist. After all, it is better to immediately clarify the situation, make a diagnosis and start treatment.

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