How to restore metabolism and lose weight?

How to restore metabolism and lose weight?

Why do some people eat whatever they want and do not get fat, while others torment themselves with diets and lose 300 grams with an extra 10 kilograms? Many people think it’s all about metabolism.

How to restore metabolism


As soon as we send the next portion of food into our mouth, two processes begin to take place in the body at once: anabolic metabolism, in which the incoming food is processed into substances necessary for vital activity. And the reverse catabolic exchange, the function of which is to destroy these substances, converting them into energy, and, ultimately, into waste. This is called metabolism, which can be fast or slow.

From food, the body receives the energy necessary for life. And if we eat more food than we need, or, on the contrary, we begin to severely limit ourselves to food, wanting to lose weight, in the coordinated work of the body, failures begin.

What happens at such moments?

  • If we consume more food than our body needs, it, without hesitation, converts the excess into body fat.

  • If we limit ourselves to food, the body thinks that you have a difficult time and decides to take care of the reserves of energy raw materials. That is, they again start putting food in the bins. Moreover, at such moments, he very discreetly spends energy, including when digesting food… And the metabolism slows down.

If you need to lose weight

Allow yourself to fuss, fidget in your chair, find reasons to walk more. And you will speed up your weight loss even with the slowest metabolism.

We go to recovery

It is necessary to restore the metabolism. Not to speed it up, but to establish normal functioning for the body. To do this, you need to clearly understand that energy must be spent.

Do sports

Exercising is the best way to increase overall energy expenditure and the only way not to make an enemy of obesity in today’s lifestyle (elevators and escalators are ubiquitous, sedentary office work and minimal traffic). Sign up for a gym, start jogging in the morning or just squat, let physical activity be devoted only 15 minutes a day, this will help put the body in order.

Lose weight at work

Most of us work in offices, which means that we sit in one place from morning to evening. But even so, there is a way to lose weight. Calories are burned when muscle tissue is strained. Therefore, at work, allow yourself to fuss, fidget in your chair, find reasons to walk more. And you will speed up your weight loss even if your metabolism is naturally slow.

There are several methods for controlling metabolism. One of them is offered by a doctor of medical sciences, the author of more than 60 books on health. Roy Martin.

Three ways to get slimmer

Dr. Roy Martina’s Three Rules

The rules that will help control metabolism are simple, but require patience and a great desire to change not only yourself, but also your consciousness.

During the exercise, try to give all your best to the point of exhaustion. The harder it is for you, the harder and more intensely you breathe, which means that the metabolism is more active.

Give it your all to the point of exhaustion

During the exercise, try to give all your best to the point of exhaustion. You have to act like a sprinter who is running at his best. When he does his best, he relaxes, restores breathing and repeats the race again. Do the same, it will force your body to adapt to the situation using breathing. And the harder and more intensely you breathe, the more active your metabolism is.

Do breathing exercises regularly. The deeper you breathe, the more oxygen enters your circulatory system and the faster your metabolism.

Think about yourself

The next step is to work with the subconscious. Self-hypnosis is the most effective means of changing a person’s idea of ​​himself. The source of any changes in the body is primarily our brain. If you want to look your best, start imagining who you want to be. The result will not be long in coming. As you change yourself, focus your attention consistently at each stage. Do not rush to reach your goal.

Observe the regime

Eat as much fiber and water-containing foods as possible. Avoid starchy foods. Pay attention to fresh vegetables and fruits. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day, and eat a low-calorie salad or a simple apple before lunch and dinner.

As in any business, when losing weight, it is important to maintain confidence in yourself and your strengths. And to keep your Spartan calm, try to get enough sleep and always control your emotions.

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