How to replace the lock of the washing machine (UBL) with your own hands

If you have a modern washing machine, you have noticed: when the water intake starts, the hatch door cannot be opened. This is due to the operation of the hatch lock – UBL. Thanks to this device, you can not worry about the safety of washing.

But what if the washing machine hatch door lock does not work? We will tell you how you can independently check and replace the CM lock.

How the device works

UBL is a hatch blocking device that is powered by electricity. Electricity is applied to the bimetallic plate, as a result of which it heats up and bends. When deformed, the plate exerts pressure on the lever, which closes the door. The door close sensor is triggered, so the hatch will be closed while the wash is in progress.

Some users assume that the washing machine door lock is broken because they cannot open it immediately after the end of the cycle. This is not so: the device opens on purpose with a delay so that all the water drains from the tank.

When can you talk about damage?

  1. Half an hour later, the door won’t open.
  2. The door does not close. The washing process does not start.
  3. A fault code appeared on the display of the washer.

Why is this happening? There are two main reasons for the failure of the sunroof lock:

  • Natural wear of the plates, their unsuitability for work.
  • Contact burnout, wiring failure due to short circuit, mechanical damage.

How to check and change the lock on the washing machine, read on.

Step by step check and replacement

To accurately verify the malfunction, UBL needs to be checked. We will tell you how to remove the blocker for this. Proceed in sequence:

  • Disconnect the machine from the mains by removing the plug from the socket.
  • Close the inlet valve, shutting off the water.
  • Open the door.

At this stage, it can be difficult. If the sunroof is locked in the closed position, you will need to open it first.

Do this:

  • Tilt the hull CM to the side.
  • Run your hand under the bottom of the car. If your washing machine has a bottom, first unscrew the screws and remove it.
  • Stick your hand inside, towards the locking device.
  • Try to move the latch and open the door.

By the way, you can do the same through the top of the washer. You will need to remove the top cover by unscrewing the two screws on the back. With SMA tilted back, stick your hand in and open the lock.

Great! Now you can start dismantling and replacing the washing machine hatch lock:

  • To remove the sealing rubber of the hatch, bend its edge. Behind it is a collar. It may be plastic – in this case, release the latches and remove it. If the clamp is metal, then pry it off with a flathead screwdriver and remove it.
  • Tuck the cuff inside the drum.
  • Remove the two screws holding the lock.
  • Run your hand into the hatch behind the body and remove the lock. It is held only by wires.
  • Take a picture of the wiring location, unplug the connections.

Now the device is in your hands. Let’s start checking it out.

Self-checking the lock

To check with a tester or multimeter, you will need to acquire an electronic lock circuit. Without it, you will not be able to distinguish contacts.

So, if the scheme is with you, get to work:

  • Set the tester to resistance measurement mode.
  • Connect the probes to the neutral and phase contacts.
  • If the display shows a three-digit number, the lock is working.
  • Move the probes to neutral and common.
  • Did the tester show 0 or 1? Then it’s all right.

How to change the door lock on the washing machine in case of a malfunction? Let’s just say: it is not subject to repair, and it is inexpensive. Therefore, you need to indicate the make and model of the SMA in the store, or show the removed lock to the seller.

Once you have purchased a new part:

  • Connect the wires according to the photo or markings.
  • Install the part in the mounting hole, tighten the bolts.
  • Replace the cuff, put on the clamp.

Now you know how to replace the UBL lock of a washing machine. Be careful and do not forget about safety.

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