How to renew your skin

Skin renewal is one of the proven ways to get rid of annoying imperfections. It is this task that is assigned to procedures such as peeling and dermabrasion. Until recently, they were carried out by professionals, but today there are tools that will help the skin to renew and transform without the participation of a beautician, at home.

Why does the skin need to be renewed?

Renewal of the skin, or rather, its surface layer, the epidermis, is a continuous process programmed by nature. This is a kind of way of survival, because it is the epidermis that is in contact with the outside world and, in fact, is the main defender of the human body from unfriendly environmental factors.

Naturally, the first line of defense constantly suffers losses, which means that new “fighters” must be regularly supplied. And this process is well established – a cycle of 28 days is enough for the skin to gradually get rid of old cells and replace them with new ones. It is due to the fact that the skin is a self-renewing organ that we can influence its appearance and condition.

Skin renewal is a natural law of nature

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How skin renewal happens

The skin is a multilayer structure, which is a collection of cells at different stages of the life path from birth to death. In the lowest layer of the epidermis – the basal – there is a “birth” of cells, they gradually move up to the surface of the skin, turning into dead cells there. In other words – in horny scales, they perform protective and barrier functions.

For obvious reasons, the cells of the stratum corneum quickly wear out, and the skin naturally gets rid of them, and new “protectors” appear in their place. And this process is continuous.

It’s all about the rate of renewal of the cellular composition. If it is slowed down, then the horny scales remain lying on the skin as a dead weight, making it dull and uneven. This picture is typical:

  • skin with hyperkeratosis;

  • mature skin;

  • oily skin;

  • problematic skin.

However, even more or less prosperous skin will not interfere with means that stimulate the replacement of old cells with new ones. After all, new always looks better than worn out.

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Skin renewal methods

There are different ways to stimulate cell renewal.

  • Mechanical. This is how scrubs work. The target for abrasive particles are exclusively dead cells.

  • Chemical. With the help of acids, it is possible to carry out both superficial peeling, affecting only dead cells, and deeper, aimed at solving a specific aesthetic problem.

  • Physical. The horny layer of the skin is damaged with the help of physical energy (laser).

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Interior skin renewal

Many problems, from hyperpigmentation to post-acne traces, are solved by modern cosmetologists by prescribing a course of peels to patients.


Using a special pressure nozzle, a stream of abrasive particles is applied to the skin, which literally squeezes the epidermis, providing different peeling depths depending on the task. Microdermabrasion can even smooth out post-acne scars, although the procedure is not pleasant and requires rehabilitation.


Liquid nitrogen massage is a very old and extremely effective procedure for stagnant spots, but with the help of “dry ice” you can also exfoliate.

Laser resurfacing

Resurfacing today is replaced by fractional thermolysis – fragmentary damage to the skin using directed laser radiation. This method allows you to combine a fairly deep impact and a relatively easy recovery period.

New generation laser technology is used to rejuvenate the skin

Chemical peeling

In the salon, you will be offered an acid peel based on glycolic acid, which can be combined with other AHA acids or salicylic acid. The composition and concentration are selected individually. Peeling in the salon is not one procedure, but a course of at least three. After each session, the skin will peel off and renew itself. The result is cumulative.

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Peeling for skin renewal

Any peeling is renewing, because its meaning is to stimulate the exfoliation of old cells, in place of which new ones appear.

Mechanism of action

When talking about peeling, first of all, they mean peeling with the help of acids, which destroy the bonds between cells and force them to leave their habitat, giving way to “youth”.

When to apply

The advantage of peeling lies precisely in the fact that all ages and almost any problems are submissive to it. When we don’t like something in the condition of the skin, we turn to peeling, because we know that we will get the result.

What can peeling help with?

  • Dullness.

  • Uneven tone and relief.

  • Expanded pores.

  • Acne.

  • Superficial wrinkles.


Efficiency is directly proportional to the degree of damage to the epidermis – the deeper it is, the more noticeable the result, but the recovery period is longer and more difficult. Therefore, a course of peelings in the salon will, of course, give a more noticeable effect than using an acid lotion or peeling lotion at home. However, homemade cosmetics should not be discounted, because it is able to support and activate the natural process of skin renewal, on which its appearance and condition largely depend.

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Stages of peeling at home

Regardless of which product you use: scrub, serum or cream with acids, it is applied to clean skin. There may be further options.

Peeling exfoliates dead cells.


  1. Remove makeup with cleansing milk or micellar water.

  2. Wash your face with a gel or foam according to your skin type.

Description of the procedure

  • Scrub. In the vast majority of cases, the scrub is applied to wet skin, abrasive particles are rolled over the entire surface of the face, excluding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly with water. Then wipe the face with a tonic and apply a care product.

  • Peeling. Usually home peeling is a lotion or serum with acids for evening use. Apply before night cream. It is clear that it is not necessary to wash it off. The result of these funds is cumulative.

  • Mask. Such products are usually based on acids or enzymes. They are also applied to clean, dry skin and washed off after a few minutes according to the instructions.

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Skin renewal products

With the help of proven peels, you can achieve a noticeable smoothness of the skin, even out the tone and give the face radiance.

Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance”, Vichy

Combines mechanical and chemical peeling, as it contains exfoliating particles and AHA acids.

Night two-phase peeling for face Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

A product that comes close in effect to professional peeling in the salon. The course, designed for 28 days, is divided into two two-week stages.

  1. Preparatory. Helps skin gradually shed dead cells with a combination of fruit acids and quinoa seed extract (1,5%).

  2. Main. Glycolic peeling with the addition of salicylic acid intensively renews the skin. The result is smoothness, radiance, beauty!

Night two-phase peeling concentrate Absolue Precious Cells Rose Drop, Lancôme

It consists of two fractions that are mixed immediately before application, used before night care products instead of serum. Can be used as a course or as desired. It has oil and water phases.

  1. Oil. Contains oils of argan tree, white limnanthes and sunflower.

  2. Acid. It is a mixture of glycolic acid (3,4%) and other fruit acids, as well as a unique pink blend with native rose cells, which provides the skin with exceptional anti-aging care.

Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight SkinCeuticals Night Cream

Due to the action of glycolic acid (10%), it stimulates the renewal of the skin, providing it with smoothness and radiance. Soothing ingredients prevent unwanted skin reaction to acid.

Night peeling that activates the radiance of the skin, Idéalia, Vichy

Apply with a cotton pad, like a tonic. Gradually renews cells due to the presence of glycolic acid at a concentration of 4%, while fermented black tea extract and blueberry extract restore radiance to the skin.

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Safety measures

  1. Under no circumstances do not use compositions for professional peeling at home, even if they are “easy” to use and “weak”.

  2. With a negative reaction cease using a peeling agent.

  3. Follow instructions from the manufacturer.

  4. Use daytime cream protective factor of at least 30to avoid pigmentation. Acids make your skin more sensitive to the sun!

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