How to remove yellowness from hair: folk remedies and advice. Video

How to remove yellowness from hair: folk remedies and advice. Video

Lightening hair from darker shades is often accompanied by the appearance of yellowness. It is necessary to remove the external defect, and effective home remedies can be used for this.

Yellow hair: how to remove folk remedies

Hair coloring is a chemical attack on hair that makes it more brittle and damaged. The structure changes significantly, metabolic processes are disrupted, which can lead to the appearance of the wrong shade that we would like to get.

Also, the reason for the formation of yellow color is the wrong choice of paint for the toning procedure. Consider the original hair color.

The effect of chemical compounds on different shades of hair affects the final result.

Of course, in case of unsuccessful staining, it is advisable to repeat the clarification, which will help eliminate the problem. But it should be remembered: if you often lighten the curls, they quickly become thinner, begin to fall out profusely, the scalp is disturbed due to exposure to chemicals. It is advisable to use folk remedies that help get rid of yellowness.

Home remedies for yellow tinge

How to restore beautiful color to hair without destroying the structure? For this, various means are used. The easiest way to deal with yellow color on light brown hair is to apply a pearlescent tinted shampoo, which should simply be rinsed off the hair. Immediately after clarification, it is necessary to apply a honey mask: spread the honey along the entire length and cover with plastic wrap, in the morning rinse with warm water and rinse with a solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

A proven remedy for blonde is onion broth, which needs to be wetted and left overnight. A kefir mask with the addition of lemon juice is effective for streaked hair. Grape juice helps to remove the effect of dirty styling: mix the required amount of shampoo and the same volume of grape juice, then rub thoroughly into the hair roots and rinse with warm water. You can also regularly rinse your hair with a baking soda solution. You can remove a dark shade with henna.

Henna lightening is carried out only on natural hair, otherwise the result may differ significantly from the desired

To use folk remedies against yellowness, it is necessary to take into account the degree of hair damage, and after the procedure, special masks and balms should be used. They will help to improve the color, restore the weakened strands, making the styling more natural.

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