How to remove yellow tint from hair

How to remove yellow tint from hair

Sometimes the procedure for dyeing the hair does not end as we would like, for example, the roots acquire a dark tone, and the ends – a light shade, or vice versa. Fortunately, the situation is fixable: you can solve the problem even at home, using folk remedies to even out hair color.

Honey is an excellent remedy to help even out the color of curls at home.

The effect of honey on hair is similar to hydrogen peroxide, so this cosmetic product brightens curls remarkably and evens out their color. And honey also strengthens the strands, saturates them with a gorgeous shine and nourishes the curls with life-giving moisture.

It is recommended to apply honey on damp, clean hair, washed before this shampoo with the addition of a small amount of baking soda or sea salt (1 tsp)

The strands, on which honey is applied, are covered with plastic wrap and wrapped around the head with a warm towel. It is better to do such a mask in the evening and keep it all night, and in the morning rinse it off with warm water.

If you are allergic to honey, you are not recommended to make such a mask.

Kefir is an excellent cosmetic product that evens out hair color

The fermented milk product perfectly removes hair dye. This cosmetic product owes its washing properties to milk protein – casein, which is able to bind with chemical elements present in hair dye. Before applying kefir to the curls, this fermented milk product should be slightly warmed up. It is recommended to keep the mask for at least 30 minutes, and then wash it off with plenty of water at a comfortable temperature.

An onion mask will help remove yellowness and even out the color of the strands.

To prepare this cosmetic product, you need to take the husk from several onions, pour it with a small amount of water and bring to a boil. After the prepared solution, it is recommended to insist for several hours and strain it. Onion broth should be applied to the curls with a sponge, wait half an hour, and then again cover the strands with this cosmetic product. Then you need to put on a plastic bag on top and warm your head with a terry towel. This mask is best done in the evening and rinsed off in the morning. Then the hair should be rinsed with cool water acidified with lemon juice.

Orange and lavender essential oils fight the onion aroma wonderfully. It is enough to drop a few drops of one of these aromatic oils into the water, rinse the curls with this solution, and there will be no trace of the smell.

Grape juice can wash away yellowness from hair!

You need to take a glass of freshly squeezed grape juice and mix it with shampoo for your curl type (1: 1 ratio). The prepared cocktail must be applied generously to the root system, and then evenly cover the strands with it along the entire length. After 3-5 minutes, the product should be washed off. The desired effect is observed after several procedures, which are recommended for 2-3 days in a row.

Also interesting to read: curls for short hair.

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