How to remove yellow stains from clothes? Video
One of the main and more common problems with light-colored clothing is old, yellow sweat stains that are very difficult to remove. However, removing yellowness at home is quite possible.
Yellow spots on clothes: how to remove
Some tools and proven methods can help you with this, the use of which will allow not new clothes to return to their boiled whiteness.
How to remove yellow stains from clothes
To get rid of yellow spots at home, you will need gasoline and ammonia solution. Treat the yellow spots with gasoline, then wipe them thoroughly with a sponge or cloth soaked in ammonia solution. After processing with chemicals, wash the item in a washing machine with powder and rinse the clothes several times.
When treating a stain with gasoline and ammonia, pay special attention to its contours, otherwise they will reappear after washing and drying.
Copes with yellow spots and XNUMX% hydrogen peroxide. Soak a napkin in it, carefully treat the entire area of contamination, rinse the item well in water and dry it in the sun.
You can also use acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin tablets) at home. Crush two tablets into powder, dissolve them in half a glass of warm water and wipe the stains with a cloth soaked in this solution. Leave the garment soaked in stains for a few hours, then wash it with detergent and dry it.
We return a second youth to bright things
To restore the natural shade to yellowed light cotton and linen things, ammonia and table salt will help. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt and ammonia in a glass of water and soak the yellow spots with the solution. After half an hour, rinse the item in warm water and wash it with powder.
A solution of hyposulfite or ordinary table salt perfectly refreshes the shades of light-colored items and restores their original shine
Especially old yellow spots are well removed with a solution of soap and oxalic acid. Wipe the stain with a soft brush and soapy water, rinse the item with warm water until the solution is completely removed. Then dilute a teaspoon of oxalic acid in a glass of water and moisten the yellow spots with the solution. Let the item lie down, after which it must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
You can also use white spirit, which removes yellowness from the surface of light-colored items. But this tool is only suitable for rough fabrics, and, for example, silk can ruin.