How to remove wrinkles on the forehead at home

You don’t have to inject to smooth lines on your face.

Expression wrinkles are most often characteristic of emotional girls, and sometimes the creases on the face become so strong that they begin to catch the eye. Alas, moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid or retinol will not help in this case, but there are several options that actually work. And now we are not talking about injections, but about home procedures.

One of the most advanced ways to combat forehead wrinkles is taping – using cotton adhesive tapes with an acrylic thermosetting coating. Due to this, they maintain muscle tone and thereby smooth out wrinkles. It is best to stick the tapes at night so that they work as long as possible.

Dermatovenerologist, dermatocosmetologist of the Remedy Lab blade.

– To prevent the appearance of possible wrinkles and correct existing ones, of course, the most effective are professional procedures by a beautician. However, facial massage can be an effective home care remedy.

An important point is compliance with certain massage rules, the main of which can be reduced to 4 points:

  1. Massage should be done on clean skin.

  2. Better to use special massage cream / oils.

  3. The massage technique must be proven. It is also important to make sure that the technician who represents the technique has a medical background.

  4. You should see a positive effect. If after self-massage there is any discomfort, increased puffiness, the face turns red, blood vessels appear, then the massage should be stopped.

Massage using special devices and gadgets

Recently, many different massage gadgets have appeared, which are advised for the home and used in salons. It all started with the jade rollers, which have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for anti-aging purposes – they are said to grant eternal youth through the normalization of Qi energy. They were followed by similar gadgets from fashionable rose quartz and stylish amethyst. If instead of the gifts of nature you trust more modern technology, pay attention to home appliances made with the latest technology: with pulsation, electrical stimulation and electric currents.

For people with thin and normal skin, it is better to use gadgets with a gentle format, for example, rollers, and if the skin is denser and there is a pronounced subcutaneous fat layer, you can try more powerful devices, for example, vacuum gadgets or with active pulsation. The denser the skin, the gadgets can be with more powerful functionality, the thinner – the more gentle mode you need to choose. Gadgets with vibrating massage well relax the muscles of the face and improve blood circulation – with them the complexion will become more radiant, and mimic wrinkles will be less noticeable. With devices with microcurrents, it is effective to work out areas where puffiness is more pronounced, so the oval of the face will be clearer and the cheekbones lost in excess water will become visible.

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