How to remove wine stains. Video

How to remove wine stains. Video

A glass of red wine accidentally poured onto your favorite blouse, tablecloth or carpet is not a reason to throw away the spoiled thing. This little nuisance can be dealt with, even at home.

Salt removes red wine stains

You can remove a freshly placed wine stain using ordinary table salt. Sprinkle the stained area generously with salt and leave until it absorbs the remnants of the wine. After it is shaken off and the remaining stain is sprinkled with a new portion of salt.

How to clean a wine-stained item with ammonia

A solution consisting of: – a liter of warm water, – a small amount of liquid soap, – 1 tablespoon will help to remove a freshly placed red wine stain. ammonia. The solution is applied to the stain, left for 5-7 minutes. Then the soiled product is washed with washing powder.

White wine neutralizes red wine, so it is recommended to spill some white on a freshly placed red wine stain

Removing red wine stains with lemon juice

Citric acid fights well against all sorts of dirt. By the way, vinegar works the same way. To remove stains, you can use lemon juice diluted with water (1: 1 ratio) or citric acid dissolved in water. A cotton pad is moistened in the prepared solution and the problem area is treated with it. Then the thing is washed. But this method is not recommended for thin fabrics and colored materials, which, when interacting with citric acid, can lose their color saturation.

How to remove red wine stains with an egg mixture

To prepare this “stain remover” you need the following components: – the yolk of a chicken egg, – 1,5-2 tsp. glycerin These components are placed in a small bowl and mixed, after which the mixture is applied to the stain and left for 55-57 minutes. The soiled item is then washed with laundry detergent or other detergent used to care for that type of fabric.

In addition, glycerin can be used in a duet with ethyl alcohol (the components are taken in equal parts). The mixture is applied to the wine spilled on the fabric and left for 37-40 minutes. After the product is washed. This method of removing stains is recommended for use when you need to wash silk or woolen clothes.

Milk is an effective stain remover

To remove wine stains, it is recommended to treat them with warm milk (the same effect is obtained by using warmed kefir or yogurt). Then the item is washed in warm water using a detergent.

If you did not succeed in removing the stain from red wine with folk remedies, it is recommended to use a stain remover to combat it.

It is enough to soak the soiled thing in a basin of cold water and leave it for 13-15 minutes, and then wash it: there will be no trace of the problem. To enhance the effect, you can add a few ice cubes to a basin of water, and also rub the ice stain.

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