How to remove water from the body? Video
Swelling, swelling, heaviness in the legs are all signs of fluid retention in the body. It is the liquid that prevents you from losing extra pounds, despite strict diets and physical activity. You can get rid of water retention in the body with the help of special means by changing your regime and approach to nutrition.
Removal of water from the body
Signs of fluid retention in the body
In the morning, the face seems to be swollen, the ring can be removed from the finger with great difficulty, and the shoes squeeze perceptibly – all these are true signs of water retention in the body. You can determine the swelling of the legs in this way: you need to press your finger on the skin and evaluate how quickly the light spot disappears. If the stain lasts more than 3 seconds, urgent measures should be taken to remove fluid from the body.
Also, the following fact speaks about the delay: despite strict diets and active physical activity, extra pounds remain in place. In this case, the fat in the body is replaced by water, so the weight remains the same.
Improving fluid circulation in the body
The kidneys are responsible for the removal of water from the body, so their poor performance may be the reason for the delay. You can start and speed up diuretic processes with the help of special drugs that a doctor will help you choose.
But it should be borne in mind that pills can be addictive, the body will stop excreting fluid on its own
Better to use natural and safe methods. For example, watermelons, nettles, red and green bell peppers, celery, dill, buckwheat porridge, beets, cucumbers have a diuretic effect. These are natural diuretics that can speed up the removal of water, including through sweat. Undoubted benefits will also bring foods that speed up metabolism and remove toxins, such as tomatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts.
Using diuretics, you need to take care of taking additional vitamin complexes, since useful microelements are excreted from the body along with urine.
Excessive intake of salt and preservatives contributes to fluid retention in the body. It is best not to salt food at all or use a minimal amount of this product. You should also limit the consumption of hot spices and seasonings, sugar and sweet foods, remove any alcohol from the menu.
As paradoxical as it sounds, dehydration can cause fluid retention. With little water consumption, frequent visits to the sauna, too active physical activity, chronic dehydration of the body appears.
If you have kidney problems, you should consult your doctor about the amount of water you drink.
The norm for a woman is 1,5 liters, for a man – 2 liters per day. With less water, the body begins to accumulate fluid reserves at the first opportunity. To prevent this from happening, you should drink ordinary drinking water throughout the day.