How to remove traces of chickenpox. Video
Chickenpox, also known as chickenpox, leaves small scars and scars on the skin. And the more mature people get sick with it, the more difficult it is to align the skin, but it is still possible.
How to remove chickenpox marks
There are several ways to remove chickenpox marks. The effectiveness of the methods depends both on the depth of the formed scars and on the individual properties of the skin. The higher its ability to regenerate, the greater the chances of smoothing out the consequences of the disease, which is why it is easiest to endure chickenpox in childhood, when acne pits smooth out themselves and almost completely as they grow older.
When choosing any method, you should not count on a quick result, which can only be provided by decorative cosmetics that mask defects
But with the right approach, it is possible to reduce redness and even out the skin.
With this method, the skin is exposed to a laser with a specially selected radiation frequency, as a result of which the upper layer of the epidermis is burned, but there are no painful sensations. The procedure is similar in its results to chemical peeling, but it affects the deeper layers of the skin, and therefore not only helps to smooth scars, but also accelerates cell regeneration and collagen production.
Microdermabrasion from traces of chickenpox
The microdemabrasion procedure, in which a special composition is applied to the face, rubbed into the cells along the massage lines, will help to reduce the number of defects on the skin. This method eliminates not only keloid scars, but also acne and other skin problems, but the result will not be visible immediately.
In order for the skin tone to even out, and the traces of chickenpox to become less noticeable, a course of at least 10 procedures will be required
This procedure effectively removes chickenpox scars and promotes complete skin renewal. A professional cosmetologist applies a special composition of acids to the skin, literally burning the upper layer of the epidermis. The face becomes smoother, as peeling helps to get rid of not only small scars, but even wrinkles. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in the cold season, since exposure to the sun after chemical peeling is not recommended.
It is most difficult to even out the skin after chickenpox with folk remedies, since they improve the general condition of the skin, promoting the production of collagen, but do not completely remove existing scars. Such products include cocoa butter and masks with a high content of vitamin C.
The oil is applied to the face, being added in the amount of a few drops to any vegetable oil
The procedure should be carried out daily for two weeks, provided that there is no allergy to this product. Masks with vitamin C are also made in a course, one by one every other day. Lemon juice is used as a base substance, and additional ingredients depend on the type of skin.
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