What person in his life has not bruised? In childhood, they were an obligatory “decoration” of the skin, but for an adult, such an appearance is unacceptable. How to get rid of a bruise in a short time?
How to get rid of a bruise
A bruise is blood that has spilled out under the skin as a result of damage to the capillaries. The intensity of the bruise and the duration of its passage depends on the sensitivity of the skin, the strength of the bruise and many other factors. As a rule, in a healthy person, a visible bruise disappears in 1–4 weeks, which seems to be a very long time if the bruise has formed in a visible place for everyone.
To prevent the appearance of a bruise, you need to know the rules of first aid. In this case, they are elementary: you need to put something cold on the damaged part of the body. Cold metal spoons and plates and even food from the refrigerator will do. You can just hold the bruised area under cold running water. However, do not apply ice directly to the wound, but wrap it in a cloth or plastic bag, or you may get frostbite.
If you hurt yourself outside the home, buy a bottle of cold water and attach it to the affected area.
If the bruise was so severe that the freezing did not help prevent the bruise, an unexpected pattern on your body will appear about a day after the injury. You also need to get rid of it under the influence of temperature – this time high. Put a heating pad or iodine mesh on the bruised area. This method will even help get rid of the hematoma.
Compresses from burdock or mother-and-stepmother will help to “brighten” an unwanted bruise. The crushed leaves of plants are infused in hot water as tea, and then the infusion gruel is applied to the bruise.
A similar compress can be made from fresh cabbage or nettle leaves, slightly crushed to form juice.
Eat vitamin C – it strengthens the body and restores blood vessels
No matter how good folk remedies are, they will not remove a bruise in one day, except perhaps the smallest one. If your sore spot is blooming with all the colors of the rainbow, you will need an ambulance. You can cover up the bruise with decorative cosmetics, but you must use it wisely.
To mask all sorts of skin imperfections, there are colored concealers. They are usually sold as a palette of yellow, green, pink and blue colors. Concealers come in different textures – liquid and solid, the most versatile type of such cosmetics is creamy. It is best at hiding bruises because it has a dense texture.
You need to apply correctors according to the principle of contrast. Yellow bruises should be painted over with a blue concealer, green ones with pink, purple ones with yellow, and red bruises are well masked with a green concealer. On top of all this color variety, you need to apply a foundation that will smooth out the boundaries between colored spots. Be careful and do not smear your “picture” with cream. It is best to use a cotton pad or makeup brush.
See also: scars after surgery.