How to remove tonic from hair
Often times, when experimenting with hair color, you end up with a different shade than expected. You can solve this problem by rinsing the tonic from the hair: both with the help of masks and with a professional hair wash.
Homemade tonic remover masks
Use an oil mask to properly remove toner from colored hair. In a water bath, heat 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, add 5-7 drops of lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Then apply the resulting oil mixture to the hair and distribute it evenly along the entire length. After that, twist your hair into a bun and put on a plastic hat, and wrap it on top with a warm terry towel. Leave the mask on for 2-3 hours, then wash off with warm water and shampoo. Thanks to this procedure, the tonic is washed off quickly enough.
If you have very dry hair, keep the mask for no more than an hour.
For oily to normal hair, a cleansing clay mask is an excellent tonic remover. So, mix blue or black clay with hair balm until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In principle, you can use any color of clay, which is a great abrasive. After that, apply the resulting mass over the entire length of the hair and leave for 40-60 minutes, then rinse. Perform the procedure no more than once a week.
If you have dry hair, replace the clay with colorless henna. The method of application is the same, only before adding the balm, steam dry henna in hot water for 3-5 minutes
A kefir mask is perfect for any type of hair: apply kefir to the hair and leave for 2-3 hours. This is a rather gentle tonic remover, so the recommended number of procedures is at least 8. Chamomile broth has the same effect (1 tablespoon of herbs per 1 glass of water). Apply it to your hair and keep it on for about 1-1,5 hours.
Remember not to rinse the toner off your hair with chemicals such as pure alcohol. You can burn your skin and dry out your hair, which will subsequently begin to fall out a lot.
Professional toner remover
If none of the home remedies have worked to remove the toner from your hair, get a professional remover. But do not forget, it is not safe for hair, so it is better not to use it yourself at home. Contact a highly qualified and experienced specialist in a hairdressing salon, then this procedure will be as painless as possible for your hair. In addition, the easiest and safest method to get rid of tonic is to wash your hair several times a day. Only after each wash, pamper your hair with masks or balms – this will also help you heal it, and it will be healthy, shiny and silky.
In the next article, you will read about how to treat calluses and calluses on the heels.