How to remove the smell of sweat

These data were obtained based on the results of a survey conducted by the International Institute for Marketing and Social Research GfK-RUS and the Rexona brand.

Meeting point

Most often, the smell of sweat “waits” for unhappy women in land transport (75%) and at work (40%). And also – in the elevator, away, in the subway and in the gym.

70% of respondents said that an unpleasant smell can completely ruin the impression of a person, even if at first he seemed pretty. But only 34% are ready to discuss this problem, the rest are shy, or they can only hint at a smell to a very close person.

What to do?

The majority of women (83%) are convinced that to solve the problem, it is enough to just take a shower every day. Slightly fewer (78%) believe that it is necessary to use a deodorant or antiperspirant, while bacteria living on the skin begin to actively multiply within a few hours after water procedures, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Only applying a deodorant or antiperspirant to clean, dry underarm skin will help to finally overcome it.

What’s the Difference?

Deodorant reduces bacteria and masks odor, antiperspirant reduces the amount of sweat produced. This “regulation” does not harm the body, since less than 1% of the total amount of sweat is released into the armpits. However, this is where sweating is most troublesome, since evaporation in the armpits is difficult.

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