How to remove the inscription “Page 1” in Microsoft Excel

In this article, we will analyze one of the questions that users often ask when working in Microsoft Excel, namely, how to remove the inscriptions “Page 1”, “Page 2”, etc. over the table itself. Let’s see how to do it.


Disable pagination

Page numbers are displayed in “Page mode”where they cannot be disabled. Sometimes users specifically choose this data view option to split a document into pages for later printing, and in some situations it happens by accident. One way or another, to remove such numbering, you just need to select a different table display mode. Let’s see how to implement this.

How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Microsoft Excel

Note: page numbers in this form are shown only in the program window for the convenience of the user; when sending the table to the printer, they will not be printed.

Method 1: Change the mode in the status bar

This is the most common method as it is the easiest. In the lower right corner of the program status bar there are three icons that mark the change in the document view mode (from left to right):

  • normal;
  • page layout;
  • page.How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Microsoft Excel

Just choose any of the first two options and the inscription “Page 1”, “Page 2” etc. will no longer be displayed.

How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Microsoft Excel

Most often, users prefer to work in the normal mode, which is set by default.

Method 2: Using the Tools on the Ribbon

Another method that will help to cope with the task. Here we perform the following steps:

  1. Switch to tab “View”.
  2. In the right corner of the ribbon in the group “Book View Modes” icons are provided for each table display option. Also, as in the case of the status bar, just click on the desired icon.How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Microsoft Excel
  3. As a result, after changing the view mode (in our case, selected again “Ordinary”) page numbers will disappear.How to remove the inscription Page 1 in Microsoft Excel


Thus, if you suddenly find inscriptions with page numbers in an Excel spreadsheet, do not worry. This is just a feature of viewing data in mode “Page”. Switching back to “Ordinary” or “Page layout”, you can easily remove the numbering.

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