How to remove tar from clothes
Resin stains on clothes after a walk in the forest or garden cannot be dealt with with a simple wash. We’ll have to use cunning methods. How to remove tar from clothing?
How to remove tar from clothing?
Wood tar on clothes: which remedies to choose for removal?
From the products that are in every home, it is easy to make excellent stain removers. Wood tar on clothing is easily disposed of if you apply:
– alcohol-based products, turpentine, refined gasoline, nail polish remover, other solvents. All this can be tried to remove resinous contaminants. The stain must be blotted with a cloth dipped in the composition, and wait twenty minutes. Then, to remove the smell, you should wash the item with fabric softener;
– household chemicals for washing dishes. It is used to wash the stained area previously greased with sunflower or olive oil. So you can get rid of the resin from a fur thing or your own hair;
– lemonades (“Cola”, “Sprite” and the like). Stains that are not too old lend themselves to sweet stain removers. It will be enough to soak the clothes for ten minutes.
If the fabric is brightly patterned, then it is better to use an iron so as not to dissolve the colors along with the dirt. This gentle method is to iron the stain through a clean, waste cloth or paper towel. The resin will begin to melt and “flow” onto the rags.
A leather jacket or raincoat smeared with resin is cleaned with vegetable oil. After about fifteen minutes after application, it is washed off with soapy water.
How to remove tar stains from clothes correctly?
If the stain is large, it should first be gently brushed off with a razor or knife blade as much as possible so as not to damage the fabric. After that, the soiled thing must be packed in the freezer for an hour and a half. After removing the clothes, rub the stained area with your hands: some more lumps of resin will fall off. This pre-cleaning can only be carried out on heavy-weight garments. Creases may appear on thin materials.
Correctly remove resin stains like this:
– Before using a chemical agent, place a gauze pad under the stain so that it absorbs excess composition;
– so that the resin does not spread further, soak the cloth around the contamination with water;
– talcum powder or starch rubbed along the border of the spot can serve as a limiter;
– the cleaning agent is applied from the edges of the stain to its center.
In pursuit of perfect cleanliness, do not spoil the fabric of the product. Acid and alcohol-based products can discolor the treated area. Acetone and vinegar essence will burn a hole in rayon. Alkaline solutions and bleaches are only suitable for white materials.