How to remove sweat stains from clothes, on white
Found untidy marks on your clothes in the armpits or back? And now you want to know how to remove sweat stains? Here are some easy ways.
How to effectively wipe sweat from clothes?
How to wipe sweat from clothes
The most effective way is to wash the item as quickly as possible, preferably before the sweat has time to dry completely. But this is extremely rare, and most often you have to deal with already formed spots. And here you can’t do with a simple wash.
Although if the spoiled item is made of synthetic fabrics, then you can try to wash it without much manipulation. You need to rub problem areas with laundry soap, leave for ten or fifteen minutes and then wash as you are used to.
If this method turned out to be ineffective or the item is made from completely natural fibers, then you can try the following:
- if a simple rubbing with soap did not help your synthetics, then use a special soap to remove stains, then add a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water and wash clothes by hand – this method is good for dark clothes;
- you can take two aspirin tablets, crush them and mix with 100 ml of warm water. Wet sweat stains with the mixture, leave for two or three hours. Then the item should be rinsed and machine washed or by hand. If the stains have not disappeared, rub two more tablets into the gruel with a little water (add drop by drop), then place the aspirin on the dirty surfaces, wait an hour, then wash the clothes;
- woolen items are rubbed with laundry soap and soaked in soapy water for 1,5 hours, after which they are washed;
- to get rid of cotton stains, you need to boil things in the same soap. You should take half a glass of grated soap. Place a metal bucket on the stove, add soap shavings, add water and boil. Immerse clothes in a container, put on a low heat and boil things with constant stirring for 3 hours.
And what to do if traces appear on white things?
How to remove sweat on white
Sweat leaves unpleasant yellow marks on white things. Soap to remove stains will help to cope with them – rub the marks with them, leave for 10 minutes, preferably 15, wash. You can also use the following mixture: mix a tablespoon of fine salt and the same amount of baking soda with liquid soap. Apply to stains, leave for 30 minutes, then wash.
You can also apply hydrogen peroxide on the traces of sweat, let it stand for 15 minutes, and wash it.
Now you know how to remove sweat. It will be easier for you to maintain your belongings in proper condition, and you will not have to puzzle over how to get rid of these stains.
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