How to remove sunflower oil, sunflower oil stain from clothes

How to remove sunflower oil, sunflower oil stain from clothes

How to remove sunflower oil from clothes using available tools

If there is a problem with your clothes, it is advisable to act quickly, before the insidious stain has eaten into the fabric. However, even old stains can be removed, so don’t despair. The most successful ways are below:

· Dishwashing liquid. All ingenious is simple: if the composition dissolves the fat on the plate, why shouldn’t it do it on the clothes as well? To neutralize an unpleasant “surprise”, pour a cap of the detergent over the stain, leave it for 10-15 minutes, wash with laundry soap or good detergent powder. Please note: if the fabric is white or another light shade, it is better to choose a detergent of a not very saturated color, otherwise, removing the fat, it may leave its dye on the clothes;

· salt. Regular table salt will quickly absorb fat if sprinkled on a fresh stain and left for a few minutes;

· Gasoline. Before the appearance of various stain removers, gasoline was often used to save clothes from various stains. Dampen a cotton ball with gasoline, spread the affected clothing on the table, and gently remove the grease with the disc. Wash afterwards to remove odors;

· Mustard powder. If you find this spice, it can help fight the stain. Mix dry mustard with water until a thick paste. Apply to stain until dry, brush off and wash clothes.

As you can see, the stain can and should be fought. And “helpers” can be found in the kitchen in almost every home.

How to remove sunflower oil stain. DIY stain remover recipe

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