We share useful tips that are suitable for all occasions.
We are sure that you, too, have come across a situation where your favorite thing had to be thrown away due to the fact that a stain appeared on it that could not be dealt with in any way. And how many of these things have already gone to landfill due to stubborn stains? We decided to collect some valuable recommendations that will help clean almost any surface from dirt.
Let’s start with carpets. Usually, carpets are much more difficult to clean than other things. Especially if the stain has arisen long ago and has already eaten into the pile.
If, for example, you (your husband or child) knocked coffee / tea / cocoa onto the carpet, then you should not despair. You can try to wash off the stain yourself, having previously prepared a special solution. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. glycerin and gently wipe the contaminated area with this liquid. But beer, wine or liquor can be removed using another trick. Dissolve the detergent in warm water, soak a cloth in this solution, wipe the stain well. Next, stir 0,5 tsp in 1 liters of water. vinegar and this liquid, wash off the soapy solution.
Putting old shoes in order is also as easy as shelling pears. For example, if the shoe polish is dry and the shoes urgently need to be cleaned, then put some milk in the cream, wait a minute or two and gently wipe the shoes. You will see that the product is better absorbed into the skin and a soft shine appears. If you need to clean the insole, then dissolve a few drops of vinegar in water, moisten a cotton swab and wipe the inside of the shoes.
Suede shoes can also be cleaned of dirt without spoiling the presentation. Dissolve ammonia in water, moisten a cloth and gently wipe your shoes. Then gently brush over the suede with a special rubber brush or fine sandpaper.
As for clothes, experienced hostesses have a few tricks on how to clean the most difficult dirt. For example, oil paint stains can be easily removed using a mixture of gasoline, acetone and turpentine in equal parts. But ordinary milk can cope with ink stains.
Mothers of schoolchildren know how difficult it is to clean collars or sleeves (on a shirt, jacket, raincoat). Ordinary ammonia will help here. We moisten a cotton swab and carefully three soiled places.
If you are lucky enough to have a luxurious black velvet evening dress, then we will show you how to keep it clean. Such an outfit must first be cleaned with a brush soaked in a small amount of kerosene, and then with a dry clean brush. To get rid of the unpleasant smell of kerosene, the dress must be hung on the balcony and left there for a while. And for the outfit to straighten out and become like new, it is enough to hold it over the steam.
A solution of hydrogen sulfite (1 part to 10 parts water) will help get rid of rusty stains on a white cloth. But it is worth remembering that this advice does not work with colored products, because Hydrosulfite can discolor fabric. In this case, you can prepare a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and grated soap, drip a little water there to obtain a homogeneous mass. Grate a dirty place with this mixture and leave for 24 hours. Then rinse with plain water.
You can also get rid of the hateful stains that green grass leaves. 1 tsp Dissolve the salt in 2 glasses of water and wipe the stain with this solution.