How to remove scale in the kettle with home remedies and chemicals

The scale formed during boiling is not as harmless as it seems. It increases the time of heating water, worsens the taste of the drink, and the electric kettle can lead to breakage. We will tell you how to remove scale in the kettle without buying professional household chemicals and cleaning products.

Scale is clearly visible in a glass electric kettle

Where does scale come from

Scale is an indicator of too hard water. Any water – tap, well or from a well – contains potassium and magnesium salts. Number of connections Ca i Mg per volume determines the quality of the water. If the content of these elements in water is increased, then we notice the appearance of sediment inside the dishes after boiling.

The appearance of sediment is due to the presence of unstable or carbonate hardness in the water. The formula for these substances looks like this:

Ca (HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2

Scale formation occurs at temperatures above 40 °C. As a result, a whitish or yellowish coating is formed, settling on the walls of the kettle, or floating in the water.

Usually, plaque forms if you use bad tap water, not drinking water. However, when using bottled water, plaque can also appear. Pay attention to the fact that it is drinking, not mineral. The same problems will arise if you often boil sparkling water.

Scale is especially harmful to electric kettles. Lime deposits on the heating element impair heat transfer, as a result, the water heats up longer. With an increase in the layer thickness, overheating and failure of the heating element occur.

How often should plaque be removed

It is necessary to clean the kettle from plaque once every 1-3 months – after about 4 boilings. Use tap or mineral water, clean the dishes more often – once a month.

In general, act according to the circumstances. If you see that the kettle inside is covered with a dense coating, clean it. It is much more difficult to remove a thick old layer of scale that has already stuck to the walls.

It is not worth fanatically getting rid of plaque after each boiling, but it is also not recommended to start the situation by “growing” a thick layer of scale on the walls.

Do not allow the formation of a thick layer of scale

Harm to humans

Whitish plaque is not only an aesthetic problem. Not only is it not very pleasant to drink from a teapot covered with something white, but also water with scale microparticles can be harmful to humans.

In moderation, potassium and magnesium salts are necessary and beneficial for humans. It is water that is the main supplier of these trace elements to the body.

Another thing is if you have to drink water for a long time, in which the content of potassium and magnesium salts exceeds the norm. Getting into the human body along with boiled water, they accumulate and cause problems with the kidneys and joints.

An excess of minerals is just as dangerous for the body as their lack.

If you notice a rapid increase in scale, check the water hardness level with test strips or a device. If the hardness is high, take softening measures by applying appropriate filters.

You can soften the water with a filter jug ​​with an anti-scale cartridge.

Is it possible to clean scale in an electric kettle

Almost all the methods presented in the article will help to remove scale in an electric kettle. However, be careful while cleaning. Do not rub the walls too hard, carefully remove plaque on the heating element.

There is an opinion that acid cannot be used for Cleaning glass teapots is not true. The acid does not react with plastic, glass, or glue, but it corrodes iron. Frequent use of strong acidic solutions to clean deposits can lead to leaks or breakage of the kettle.  

Features of removal depend on the material of the electric kettle:

  • when removing scale, use a weak acid solution;
  • plastic is afraid of any coloring agents, since the dye can be absorbed into the case and leave ugly stains;
  • aluminum, copper, brass – use gentle products and avoid concentrated acid mixtures;
  • glass and metal – do not use metal brushes so as not to scratch the case.

After processing the electric kettle, rinse it with water and let it dry well. Do not turn on the wet kettle to avoid a short circuit!

Citric acid completely dissolves scale in a glass electric kettle

How to remove scale with improvised means

The easiest and most affordable way to use the ingredients that are in every kitchen.


With the help of vinegar, you can remove thick, old deposits of scale that no other means can cope with. Be aware that the method is quite aggressive. It is not suitable for cleaning aluminum and copper.

You will need 0,5 liters of clean filtered water and 150-170 ml of 9% vinegar. Mix thoroughly, pour the product into the kettle and boil. Then boil plain water again. Open all the windows in the kitchen beforehand – the smell generated during the cleaning process, unpleasant and heavy, can cause headaches.

Let the kettle cool down a bit and rinse it under running water. Remaining plaque will be easily removed with a soft sponge for washing dishes. Wipe with a towel, dry well, and you can use.

Table vinegar is effective in removing plaque, but must be used with caution.


Baking soda is a very affordable and relatively gentle cleaning ingredient. Suitable for both conventional and electric kettles.

To remove scale:

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in 500 ml of water. Mix the solution thoroughly.
  2. Pour it into the kettle and add another 500 ml of water. Stir, let the mixture stand for a few minutes.
  3. Bring water with baking soda to a boil.
  4. Turn off the kettle and leave it with the solution for 1-2 hours.
  5. Once again, bring the water to a boil and let the composition brew for several hours.
  6. Pour out the water, rinse the kettle under running water and remove the remaining deposits with a soft sponge.
  7. Pour clean water and boil it again to get rid of the remnants of the composition.
Soda as a cleaning agent is universal and can be used for all types of kettles.

The method is well suited for enameled teapots.

Vinegar with soda

Vinegar combined with baking soda is the most effective way to deal with limescale. Such a tool will cope with the thickest layer.

Proceed according to the instructions, observing the proportions:

  1. Mix half a cup of 9% vinegar with 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  2. Wait for the reaction to complete. The product will hiss and boil – this is normal.
  3. Add water so that it covers the walls of the kettle as much as possible, but does not spill out when boiling.
  4. Boil the composition for half an hour.
  5. Pour out the water and rinse the kettle under running water.

Important! The method is not suitable for enameled or plastic teapots. The combination of vinegar and soda is very aggressive, the product can corrode the enamel.

Lemon acid

One gentle way to dissolve scale in a kettle is to use citric acid. The method is suitable for electric kettles, enameled and metal utensils, glass.

The algorithm for removing plaque is as follows:

  1. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid powder into the kettle.
  2. Pour 1 liter of clean drinking water.
  3. Boil the water.
  4. Leave the composition for 1-2 hours to complete the reaction.
  5. Pour out the water and remove the remaining scale with a soft sponge.
  6. If plaque still remains, repeat the procedure.
  7. Boil the kettle with clean water several times, rinse well and dry.

Caution! Boiling citric acid gives off a pungent, sour smell, so open a window before cleaning.

Professional tools

If you do not trust folk remedies for descaling, use one of the professional formulations.

  • Anti-scale. Inexpensive and effective cleaner based on sulfamic acid, sodium citrate and ammonium chloride. Helps to get rid of plaque in a short time. It smells very bad.
  • Topper 3031. Gentle and non-toxic descaling agent. Suitable for electric and enamel kettles.
  • Filtero. Water-soluble tablets that can cope with any plaque. They work very quickly, designed in portions for 1 standard kettle.
  • Good Antique Kettle Descaler. A universal product that is suitable for cleaning any dishes and electrical appliances.

When using the products, carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.

Questionable Plaque Removal Methods

Not all methods are equally effective. On the Internet, you can find tips for descaling a kettle in dubious ways. In principle, they are working, as they are based on corrosive plaque with acid, but after their application, either a smell remains or they stain the surface.

Carbonated drinks

Soda can dissolve scale – Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta or their domestic counterparts.

To get rid of plaque you need:

  1. Open a can of soda and leave for a few hours to completely release the gas.
  2. Pour the liquid into the kettle, bring to a boil and boil a little.
  3. Pour out the soda and rinse the dishes with a soft sponge.
The use of Coca-Cola as a cleaner will stain the kettle

The method is really working, but it has drawbacks – dyes and smell. They eat into the walls of the teapot, and you will have to drink tea from a painted teapot with the smell of soda for a long time.


This method involves the use of cucumber brine. The method is suitable for aluminum kettles.

According to the instructions:

  1. Strain the brine and pour it into the kettle.
  2. Close the lid and boil the liquid.
  3. Wait 1-2 minutes, then turn off the kettle and leave it like that for several hours.
  4. Drain the brine and remove the plaque with a hard sponge.

This method is not the most efficient. The scale will have to be scrubbed off on your own, in the process you can easily leave scratches on the surface. In addition, a large amount of brine that no one needs is not found in every home.


An ineffective method involving the use of peels from fruits or vegetables. Descaling occurs due to the acids contained in the cleanings.

An example is this:

  1. Collect peels from apples, tangerines, or other citrus fruits.
  2. Rinse it.
  3. Pour the peel with 500 ml of clean water.
  4. Boil and let it brew for several hours.
  5. Pour out the water and clean the plaque with a sponge.
Peeling fruit as a way to remove scale

This method will not help get rid of a strong plaque. The only advantage of the method is a pleasant smell and safety.

Prevention of scale formation

In order for scale to appear less often or not at all, follow preventive measures.

Avoid re-boiling water

We recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Use only clean bottled water or filtered tap water.
  • Don’t boil the water multiple times – drain any remaining liquid down the sink before re-boiling.
  • Do not leave water in the kettle overnight.
  • Clean plaque regularly while it can still be removed with a soft sponge or citric acid solution without using strong cleaners.

Well, if scale has appeared, you can easily remove it with the help of folk remedies or professional formulations.

In conclusion, a useful video about removing plaque in the kettle with home remedies.

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