How to remove phlegm from a child. Doctor’s video advice
One of the most common signs of a cold in a child is coughing. Delivering a lot of torment, it can cause bronchitis or even pneumonia. That is why it is very important to treat cough in a timely manner so that sputum does not stagnate in the lungs and does not lead to serious complications.
How to remove phlegm from a child
How to treat a cough at home
A child’s cough may be dry or moist. In the first case, it is called unproductive and does not bring relief, in the second, it is accompanied by sputum secretion and leads to recovery faster. To prevent sputum from stagnating in the lungs, it is important to promptly convert a non-productive cough into a productive one, and in most cases this can be done on your own at home.
With any cough, it is important to show the child to the doctor so that he listens to the lungs and makes the correct diagnosis. Treatment for a common cold and bronchitis, in some cases with similar symptoms, will differ significantly
With a dry, painful cough, the intake of expectorants is most often required (Ambrobene, Lazolvan, etc.). Within 2-3 days after the start of treatment, the sputum will begin to drain, and the child will feel much better. If this therapy does not help within a week, you will most likely have to take antibiotics as directed by your doctor or inhale with saline or herbs.
Often, sputum can be removed with the help of mustard plasters or therapeutic massage. To carry it out, you need to put the child on his stomach, lubricate the area between the shoulder blades with a warming ointment (Doctor Mom ointment, Badger balm and the like have a good effect) and rub the back with vigorous movements. It is most effective to perform the procedure before bedtime.
How to remove phlegm from children with folk remedies
With the permission of the doctor, you can try to do without medication, preparing a “medicine” for the baby according to one of the folk recipes. One of the most effective for treating phlegm is a honey-banana mixture.
To prepare it you will need:
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 teaspoon of olive oil
- half banana
- 2-3 drops of aloe juice
The banana should be rubbed through a sieve, then add oil, freshly squeezed aloe juice and honey heated to 35-40 ° C to it. Next, all components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. You need to take this folk remedy in a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. As a rule, even the most fastidious child likes the taste of this healing delicacy.
Another useful product for treating phlegm is figs. One medium fruit must be poured into a glass of milk and put on low heat. Cook the figs for 20 minutes, stirring the milk regularly so that it does not run away and burn. After the allotted time, the gas must be turned off, and the steamed figs must be kneaded with a spoon. After cooling the mixture to 40 ° C, you should give it to your child a teaspoon every hour.
Read about the properties of kombucha in the next article.