How to remove paint from metal? Video

How to remove paint from metal? Video

To protect the metal surface from rust, it must be covered with paint. It is not difficult to change the color of the first coat – it is enough to simply sand the old paint and cover it with a new one. But when there are several layers, you have to completely remove the paint, otherwise the next layer will lie unevenly and begin to peel off quickly.

How to remove paint from metal?

Chemical method of removing paint from metal

In specialized stores today you can find a variety of chemicals that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of old paint on a fence or, for example, an iron door. They can be presented as powders that need to be diluted, or as liquids.

Following the instructions on the package, apply the product to the painted iron, wait for the allotted time and clean the softened paint with a spatula. Then rinse off the remaining paint with a dedicated mineral kerosene. Of course, this method requires patience and some effort.

For greater effectiveness, apply one coat of the chemical, wait for the required time, and then repeat the procedure.

You can also get rid of old paint with an electric or hand tool. You can, for example, use an angle grinder, which is also called a “grinder” in everyday life. But for processing a metal surface, it is better to fix a wire brush on it instead of a disk.

Paint can also be removed from a small area with a surface grinder – in this case, it is simply irreplaceable. Such a tool is also effective in removing water-based formulations. But when cleaning large areas of metal coated with oil dyes, it is useless, as it quickly becomes clogged with paint and becomes unusable.

Helps to remove layers of old paint with an iron industrial hair dryer or thermal gun. They heat the metal surface well, as a result of which the paint softens and is well removed with a spatula.

These tools are very expensive, but they are often rented from advertisements in the local newspaper or on the internet.

Manual method of removing old paint

This is the most time consuming method of getting rid of paint. It is used when you need to clean the surface of a small area or remove paint in hard-to-reach places. This method is also often used in the event that in no case can damage to the surface be allowed. To remove old paint, files, spatulas, paper clips or sandpaper are used.

Safety rules for removing paint

Before removing paint from a metal surface at home, do not forget about basic protective equipment: thick gloves and special glasses. The former will help to avoid possible cuts, and the glasses will protect your eyes from flying paint and dust. And when using a heat gun or special solvents, you should also use a respirator.

In addition, paint should be removed in a well-ventilated area, or even better outside. Especially if you are going to do it with a hair dryer or a heat gun. It is also very important to observe all precautions when working with this or that tool or apparatus.

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