How to remove mold marks from walls. Video
Microscopic mold spores are present everywhere and, as soon as they get into a favorable environment, they begin to grow at an enviable rate. This fungus is dangerous not only for furniture, rooms and clothing, but also for human health. This is why it is very important to remove mold from walls and ceilings as quickly as possible.
How to remove mold: video guidelines
The technology of getting rid of mold on the walls
Mold stains from the walls at home can be removed with the help of special antifungal agents. But they need to process them not with wallpaper or a primer, but with a concrete slab or brick from which the walls are folded, otherwise the mold will soon reappear. Therefore, remove the wallpaper before starting work and remove all the trim layers using special tools.
When removing wallpaper and a moldy primer, try to take them out of the house immediately, as mold multiplies by spores
After that, saturate the wall with biocide – a special antiseptic that has received good reviews. This can be done with a spray gun, brush or roller. Then let the wall dry for a while and repeat the procedure. In addition to the biocide, other modern antifungal agents can be used: – a solution of copper sulfate and water in a ratio of 20 g per 1 liter; – any chlorine-containing products, for example, “Whiteness”; – a solution of baking soda in a ratio of 2 tbsp. spoons for 1 liter of water; – a solution with a high content of laundry soap.
After the wall that has been treated several times has dried, apply a special antiseptic primer, waterproofing solution, then new plaster and putty on it. And only after that, stick the new wallpaper. Upholstered furniture, on which mold has moved, can be treated with products for removing fungus from fabric, purchased from the departments of household chemicals.
There is another way to get rid of mold, but it is more suitable for cleaning non-residential areas that can be ventilated. To do this, seal the room, put a metal sheet on the floor, light a piece of sulfur (2 g per 1 cubic meter) on it and quickly leave the room. The sulfur dioxide released during combustion will destroy all molds. After the procedure, wait a couple of hours, and then enter the room and thoroughly ventilate it.
When using toxic antiseptics, do not forget about personal protective equipment.
How to prevent mold growth
To prevent mold from reappearing, it is necessary to ventilate the room well from time to time, especially if plastic windows are installed. It is also very important to regulate the humidity regime, because mold spreads best in damp conditions. Try not to put furniture close to a corner or wall to ensure free ventilation in the apartment. Also, do not force the room with a large number of indoor plants that love moisture, since their constant watering can also contribute to the appearance of mold on the walls.