How to remove makeup from facial skin: special products. Video
Removing make-up is an important facial skin care procedure that should be performed on a daily basis. By not removing makeup properly, the fair sex puts their skin at risk of early wrinkles, clogged pores, rashes, and skin inflammation. Even light makeup at the end of the day must be removed from the face.
How to remove makeup from facial skin
When removing makeup the right way, it is important to consider the makeup of the cosmetics. So, removing waterproof mascara, you will not be able to do with plain water. In this case, you must use a special tool with a complex composition. It is also unwise to limit yourself to washing with exclusively alkaline products, since their effect leads to dryness, aging and thinning of the skin. When performing makeup remover, it is important to act consistently and use quality products.
The use of drugs of questionable quality can lead to problems that will take more time and financial costs to fix.
Evening is the best time to remove makeup
It is best to carry out make-up removal in the evening, as the skin rests at night. At the same time, there is a renewal and regeneration of the skin. Cleansed skin with a night cream applied to it actively uses all the microelements obtained, and nothing prevents the restoration of its structure – neither daylight, nor cosmetics, nor the work of facial muscles.
If cosmetics and dust accumulated during the day are not removed from the skin, reconstruction will not occur. Moreover, the skin becomes even more tired. If for some reason it was not possible to refresh your face and remove makeup in the evening, be sure to do it in the morning. In any case, try not to leave a cosmetic layer on your face to avoid the appearance of laxity and acne on it.
When starting to remove makeup, it is important to cleanse your hands so that numerous germs do not get on your face along with sweat, grease and dirt. Wash them thoroughly with soap before removing makeup.
To remove lipstick, moisten a cotton pad with a make-up remover containing vitamins and emollients and wipe it off with light strokes from the corners of the lips towards the center. Replace the disc with a new one as needed.
Clean lashes gently, being careful not to get any makeup remover or mascara particles in your eyes. Apply a small amount of cleanser to two cotton pads. Attach one of them to the lower eyelid.
Make sure the edge of the disc is close to the eye, but not in contact with the eyeball
When you close your eye, the lashes will fall on the cotton wool and the mascara will not be on the skin. With the second disc, wipe off the mascara from the top, moving from the roots to the tips. Replace discs as they become dirty.
When removing eyeliner and eyeshadow, do not stretch the skin, do not apply pressure to the eyes, and avoid getting a cleansing cosmetic in them. Moisten a cotton pad with it and slide it over the eyelids from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner.
Pour a small amount of makeup remover into the palm of your hand. Dip the fingertips of your free hand in it and apply on the face in large strokes. Then use the fingers of both hands to spread the product evenly over your entire face. Process the forehead, moving from the center to the temples, the nose – to the tip from the bridge of the nose.
When cleaning your cheeks, move from the bottom up and from the nose to the temples.
Around the lips, work the skin perpendicular to the nasolabial folds. Clean your chin last.
Massage your face for 20 seconds to dissolve the makeup. Then, moving along the same massage lines, remove the remnants of the product and cosmetics with a soft napkin.
Finally, wash your face with your usual daily cleanser. Wipe your face with a tonic, apply a moisturizer or nourishing cream and after 15 minutes blot the skin with a napkin, eliminating excess cream.