Toilet limescale can occur for a variety of reasons. Improper maintenance of plumbing fixtures, misuse or damage to the walls can lead to unpleasant consequences. How to clean the toilet from plaque? What tools will help to cope with this problem?
How to clean the toilet from plaque?
Limescale is a buildup of minerals that are abundant in water. They accumulate on the surface of the ceramic in the form of yellow smudges. Frequent flushing of the toilet contributes to their rapid appearance.
Plaque can also appear due to the poor quality of the materials from which the toilet is made. Regular cleaning of your plumbing can help reduce the likelihood of limescale build-up. This will keep it in good condition for a long time.
In order to get rid of plaque, you can use folk methods or special means, the choice of which in the store is quite large.
Of the available tools for cleaning the toilet bowl, the following can be used:
- citric acid – 3-4 sachets are enough. Fill the toilet at night, rinse with water in the morning. Copes well with small deposits of limescale;
- baking soda – fill the toilet bowl with the contents of one pack at night, clean it well with a brush in the morning. Soda is effective for any calcareous deposits;
- Coca-Cola – this carbonated drink perfectly removes plaque of any complexity, just fill the toilet with 2 liters of cola.
In case of complex contamination and outdated plaque, it is recommended to use special household chemicals. It is important to observe all necessary precautions during their use, be sure to use rubber gloves and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Store-bought toilet cleaners are divided into 3 main groups:
- abrasive – these are powdery cleaners that wipe off all dirt. They can damage the surface of the toilet bowl and leave minor scratches. This method of cleaning requires physical effort, and the damaged surface subsequently accumulates limescale more quickly;
- alkaline – the basis of such funds is sodium hydroxide. This lye removes any plaque without damaging the smooth surface of the toilet. Use these products according to the directions on the packaging. With old dirt, you can repeat the procedure several times;
- acidic – have the highest efficiency, the principle of application does not differ from alkaline agents.
Knowing the basic methods of how to clear plaque in the toilet, you can keep the toilet clean without much effort.