How to remove ink stains from fabric, leather

How to remove ink stains from fabric, leather

What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax. But what about the dye that accidentally got on clothes or skin? We know how to remove ink stains so that we don’t have to grab onto chopping tools.

How to remove ink stains from fabric?

Today’s inks bear little resemblance to those that have easily passed the durability test for decades. Now they disappear on their own from the paper over time. But in the case of clothes, there is no time to wait long, the stain must be dealt with here and now.

How to remove ink stains from fabric

There are several ways to win:

  1. Purchase a special pen. This tool is from the “spy kit” – you write with one pen and erase the written with the second. It is also suitable for the destruction of ink stains. The handle absorbs the paint from the fabric, then the affected area remains to be erased.
  2. Use a stain remover. Products with active oxygen are suitable. They must be used according to the instructions: apply on the stain, wait for the allotted time and rinse off.
  3. Squeeze a lemon onto the stain. The juice should eat away at the ink, and it will easily come off the fabric when washed.
  4. Mix glycerin with alcohol. It is a great remedy for stains on colored fabrics. It allows you to maintain the uniformity and brightness of the color. Three parts of alcohol will require one part of glycerin. The mixture is applied to the stain and left on for about an hour. Then it must be washed off, and the thing must be washed.
  5. For cotton fabrics, you can use pure alcohol. Simply by rubbing the stain with it, you can easily get rid of it.
  6. For wool, use kerosene. Proceed as with alcohol, taking precautions: protect eyes, wear protective gloves.

Treating stains on expensive items is best done with a professional dry cleaner.

How to remove ink stains from skin

Ink gets on the skin much more often than on the fabric. Removing them is easy by simply washing your hands with soap and water. But this does not always give an instant result, especially if the paint has managed to stick into the skin.

What you can do:

  • Wipe the smeared areas with alcohol.
  • If there is no alcohol, there is always a regular nail polish remover. It is impossible to rub the skin strongly with it, so as not to cause irritation or even a burn.
  • Peeling products are excellent for removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis, into which ink penetrates.
  • Stains on the face are removed with makeup remover. Fatty creams also work well. A small amount is applied to a cotton swab and gently wipe the damaged area.

When dealing with stains, it is important to proceed with caution so as not to cause further damage.

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