How to remove hair dye from clothes

How to remove hair dye from clothes

You can get your clothes dirty with hair dye in no time, but removing the stain can be quite difficult. When self-dyeing, it is not scary to accidentally ruin a home T-shirt or dressing gown, but it is terribly insulting if this happens in a salon or hairdresser, where women often come in business and sometimes festive clothes. How to remove stains from hair dye so that your office blouse or favorite dress is not damaged forever?

How to remove hair dye from clothes

The principle of coloring is based on the fact that a special chemical composition is applied to the hair, which will not only give the desired shade, but also will not wash off after a couple of weeks. Manufacturers of hair dyes have long held an unspoken competition to find out who will release the most durable and best product. In this regard, stains from hair dye are also incredibly resistant to various influences, they are not so easy to remove, especially from light-colored fabrics.

How to remove hair dye on fabric

Before trying to remove the annoying pollution, you need to decide what exactly is appropriate to use. It is imperative to take into account the type of material, not all products are equally good at combating chemical stains on various fabrics. The most suitable substances for this.

  • laundry soap or special antipyatin soap. Lather the stain, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rub it lightly with a sponge or brush, then wash the item as usual;
  • stain remover. Modern stain removers do an excellent job with various types of dirt, including from chemical reagents;
  • hydrogen peroxide. This is the very active oxygen, which is so much praised in advertising spots for stain removers, and at the same time it costs several times less. But for colored fabrics, it is poorly suited: there is a high probability that the treated area will bleach;
  • solvent. Also not suitable for all types of fabrics. In order not to spoil the thing, first check in a small area (for example, the inner seam) how the material reacts to such an aggressive substance.

The sooner you wash a thing, the more chances you have to return it to its original appearance. If a few days have passed, most likely, the stains will not be able to cope with.

Now you know how to get rid of hair dye on clothes. Such contamination is easier to prevent than to overcome later. Be careful when painting yourself or entrust this process to a professional master who has proven himself well.

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