How to remove greasy stains from jeans in minutes
There are several ways to quickly remove greasy stains on jeans.
How unpleasant it is to suddenly find a greasy stain on your favorite jeans. I don’t want to throw away a good thing that I have already got used to. What should be done to put the thing in order itself?
To remove greasy stains on jeans, you need to know a few tricks
Operational measures to be taken immediately after a stain appears
The main rule in this situation is speed. The more time has passed since the spot appeared, the more difficult it is to remove fat. You can get rid of the stain without consequences as long as the fat has not eaten into the fabric. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately blot the stain with a simple paper handkerchief or napkin at the moment the oily substance gets on the jeans. The paper will absorb most of the grease, making it easier to clean the item further, which can be done at home with the proper cleaning products.
Thus, half the solution to the problem of removing greasy stains from jeans is to quickly eliminate the maximum amount of contaminant the moment it hits the fabric.
Often a greasy spot appears after a festive meal. Usually, it is suggested to fill the stain with salt. The effectiveness of this method is low, since the salt crumbles before it can absorb most of the fat.
Removing greasy stains at home using special products
After the rapid removal of the bulk of the fat, you can proceed to any of the following methods of dealing with the resulting pollution. Each of these methods can be easily performed at home.
As special tools can be used:
soap “Antipyatin”
RџSЂRё first the method uses synthetic detergents. Fairy is perfect for this purpose. It should be poured in a small amount onto the stain and left for half an hour. Contamination should disappear without a trace. The detergent should lie on the oily spot in a thin layer, so you do not need to foam it. So the result will be seen sooner. This method allows you to remove both fresh and old stains. The older the dirt, the longer the cleaning process.
Second the option involves the use of gasoline. It should be applied in a small amount (a few drops) on a greasy spot, left for 5-10 minutes, and then immediately washed off. Be sure to wash your jeans immediately afterwards. When washing in a washing machine, it is advisable to select a mode with an additional rinse.
Do not worry about the color of your favorite things – gasoline does not leave white spots
RџSЂRё third This method uses a stain remover such as Vanish. The product is applied to the soiled fabric, left for 15–20 minutes for a deeper effect, followed by a regular wash.
Fourth the way is to use antipyatin soap. This soap is capable of removing grease from all types of fabric. The area with a greasy spot should be lathered well and try to wash it off, re-lather and let stand for 20 minutes. The jeans are then washed in the usual way.
How to remove stains from jeans at home
To remove stains, many use old time-tested recipes from our grandmothers and mothers. In addition, such methods are distinguished by their naturalness. A wonderful folk remedy for stains is raw potato gruel, which is put in a thick layer on a greasy spot and left for half an hour. After removing the potatoes, clean the jeans with a crust of stale brown bread.
Another easy way to remove greasy stains is to use salt… Let’s make a reservation right away that this method is not universal, but it will help to cope with light pollution. When using this product, the sequence of actions is important: pour salt on the stain in a thick layer and wait 3-5 minutes until it absorbs the fat. Then add a new layer and repeat the procedure until the salt remains clean.
The same principle works and soda, which must be applied to the stain, and then, covering with a paper towel, iron the dirt. After the “hot procedure” leave the jeans until the morning and then wash them in the washing machine.
They will also come to the rescue in the fight against stains ammonia и vinegar. In the first case, it is necessary to soak the napkin with the solution, squeeze it out a little and put it on the stain. After half an hour, the greasy stain will soften and partially absorb into the napkin, after which you need to wash your jeans. Using vinegar it must be mixed in equal proportions with water and left to soak the jeans in the solution for 30 minutes, then rinse the jeans and send them to the wash.