How to remove fleas

If you are wondering how to get rid of flails, you are probably already faced with age-related changes in your face and want to turn back the clock as soon as possible. Can it be done? Details below.

What is bryl

As you know, fleas are sagging areas of skin and subcutaneous fat in the area of ​​the lower jaw and neck, distorting the contour of the face. In aesthetic medicine, there is such a thing as the “triangle of beauty”.

In youth, the contours of the face fit into an inverted triangle, the apex of which falls on the chin, and the base on the middle of the forehead, that is, with ideal proportions, the face should be narrow at the bottom and more “open” at the top.

The ideal oval of the face fits into the “triangle of youth”.

With age, the proportions of the face are deformed: the cheekbones and cheeks become flatter, the tissues sink, the jaw line becomes more rough and massive. As a result, the triangle of beauty is turned upside down.

Take our test and find out if you are at risk of premature loss of skin elasticity.

Signs of a change in the oval of the face

Any changes in the proportions of the face, including the wings, start an offensive from afar. Despite the fact that the deformation of the oval is associated with adulthood, there are warning signs that appear long before the thunder strikes:

  • swelling;

  • hints of a second chin;

  • deep nasolacrimal grooves;

  • nasolabial folds;

  • tendency to form “puppet wrinkles” (from the corners of the mouth down to the chin);

  • slouch;

  • broken static neck.

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Causes of blemishes on the face

It would be very easy to blame the formation of jellies on age – the general degradation of tissues, multiplied by gravity. But the truth is that a combination of several factors leads to a change in the proportions of the face.

Vichy medical expert Ekaterina Turubara highlights the following reasons:

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the face

    A certain amount of adipose tissue (Bish’s lumps) is concentrated in the cheekbone area, which smoothes the face area under the cheekbones and significantly enlarges the lower part of the face. With age, under the influence of gravity, adipose tissue sags, forming pronounced nasolabial folds, forming jowls.

  • Overweight

    The more adipose tissue on the face, the more pronounced will be the sagging of the skin of the cheeks with age. Sudden and drastic weight loss will help reduce the amount of adipose tissue, but at the same time, folds of saggy skin will appear on the face.

  • Life

    Overstrain of the neck muscles, squeezing of blood vessels leads to pastosity of facial tissues and swelling, which increases sagging of the skin. This process is typical for people whose type of activity is associated with a constant tilt of the head (masseur, manicurist), as well as for lovers of gadgets – smartphones and tablets.

  • Extraction of teeth (especially wisdom teeth)

    Or untimely prosthetics can provoke hollow cheeks and sagging skin. This is due to the deformation of the gums and jaw, which ultimately significantly affects the appearance of the face.

  • Hormonal imbalance

    It contributes to the thinning of all layers of the skin and the deformation of the oval of the face in premenopausal women.

Answer these quiz questions to find out how your face will change with age.

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How to remove blemishes on the face at home

There are three ways to deal with fleas at home:

  • gymnastics;

  • massage;

  • care with cosmetics.

We will talk about the first two a little later, but for now we will focus on cosmetics, which can also make a significant contribution to the fight for a young face oval. Although you should not flatter yourself: creams and serums will help prevent fleas and smooth out the first signs of age, but nothing more.

Cosmetical tools

In home care, products with a lifting effect that “tighten” the skin of the face are considered the most effective.

“One of the reasons for the appearance of fleas is a change in the biomechanical properties of the skin, or, more simply, its firmness and elasticity.

These indicators are associated both with the amount of structural components of the dermis – collagen, elastin, proteoglycans and structural glycoproteins, and with their quality, – says Vichy expert Ekaterina Turubara.


Day face cream “Active lifting 45+”, Garnier

Thanks to rice proteins, bioactive youth cells and sea buckthorn oil, it has a comprehensive anti-aging effect – not only reduces wrinkles, but also evens out facial contours.

Anti-aging day cream Collagen Specialist LiftActiv, Vichy

Cream with peptides and vitamin C fights sagging skin and loss of elasticity.

Intensive anti-aging care Redermic C 10, La Roche-Posay

The action is aimed at intensively correcting the signs of aging with a combination of highly effective ingredients, including pure vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and vitamin E.

Day cream for all skin types with a lifting effect Rénergie Multi-Lift, Lancôme

Promises impressive results in the form of a clear facial contour and skin elasticity. Reduces wrinkles.


Anti-aging serum «Revitalift Lazer x3», L’Oreal Paris

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for moisturizing and smoothing wrinkles, while proxylan helps to strengthen the facial contours. With regular use, the skin becomes visibly firmer.

Anti-aging serum Life Plankton Elixir, Biotherm

Contains an extract of thermal plankton in a high concentration, soothes and softens the skin, improves its elasticity, tightens the oval of the face.


Instant Firming Age Expert 55+ Face Mask L’Oréal Paris

Can be used as a leave-in mask. Enriched with skin-nourishing oils and goji berry extract, a trendy superfood known for its ability to fight free radicals.

Moisturizing sheet mask fresh-mix for the face “Hyaluron concentrate”, Garnier

It acts quickly due to the combination of two types of hyaluronic acid: high molecular weight and low molecular weight. The high-molecular component remains on the surface of the skin and has a powerful moisturizing effect. Low molecular weight – able to penetrate the epidermis. Usually, after applying such an express mask, the skin immediately looks smoother.

Traditional recipes

You have to be a naive person to count on the powerful effect of skin tightening and the victory over the cheeks with the help of cosmetics prepared by one’s own hands. The result from the use of homemade products is possible, but you should not expect a wow effect from clay or egg white masks, which only tighten the skin during drying, creating the illusion of an “instant lifting”. However, ttalk if it gives you pleasure.

Oil mask with yogurt

Here is a recipe for a mask that has a renewing, antioxidant and nourishing effect. Apply for 20 minutes on the face, neck and décolleté.

  • 1 tsp coconut oil;

  • ½ tsp cocoa powder;

  • 1 tsp thick yogurt without additives.

Mix all the ingredients, they should be at room temperature.

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Cosmetic procedures against fleas

There are several relatively non-traumatic techniques that can tighten the jowls without surgery – in the salon or clinic.

There are also non-surgical methods of brow lift.


No matter what the Internet says, beauty injections do not directly affect the cheeks. Although there are two options that can indirectly affect the shape of the face.

  • Contour plastic. Filler injections (hyaluronic acid) in the area of ​​the cheekbones and nasolabial folds will replenish the volume of the face, due to which the oval of the face will become more pronounced.

  • Botox. Botulinum toxin injections will help relieve the static spasm of the muscles that form “marionette wrinkles” and shorten the zones on both sides of the chin, which aggravates the deformation of the face oval and the severity of the jowls.

Reinforcement with threads

Not a painless technique, it is based on the implantation of notched threads into soft tissues. The threads are inserted through the punctures and fixed. With very heavy and edematous tissues, it is not very effective.

Hardware methods

They are aimed at tightening the skin structures and stimulating the production of their own collagen, which supports the face frame. The most effective technique for lifting the jowls and the second chin is ultrasonic lifting, as it affects the deep layers of soft tissues. The effect increases within three months.

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Wrinkle massage

You should start with lymphatic drainage massage. Stagnation of lymph and fluid that accumulate in the lymphatic pockets in the middle and lower areas of the face pull the tissues down and contribute significantly to the formation of jowls and deformation of the face oval.

Here is the simplest technique, but it is better to take lessons from a specialist.

Thumb bone massage

Promotes the outflow of lymph in the tissues of the lower part of the face. It is performed only after applying a cream or oil – the finger must slide!
  • Bend your thumb.

  • Place the bent joint under the jaw arch closer to the chin.

  • Slowly slide your finger along the jaw arch to the periphery, applying very gentle pressure.

  • Without taking your hands off, slide down the neck.

  • The final point is the subclavian cavity.

  • Repeat the technique two or three times on both sides.

You should not perform a facial massage for the face before bed if you want to avoid swelling.

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How to tighten the oval of the face with exercises

To begin with, remember: the oval of the face begins with the neck, and the neck begins with the posture. Without the correct position of the spine and its cervical region, a clear oval of the face is out of the question. Pay attention to the ballerinas who keep the oval of the face until old age. Google out of interest.

Exercise for posture “Bird”

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, chin 90 degrees.

  1. Stand on your toes as high as possible, stretch your whole body up to the ceiling.

  2. Retract and pull your arms back and continue to reach up as if you want to take off.

  3. Important! Do not raise your shoulders, the shoulder blades tend inward, as if you want to push them through the chest.

  4. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

If done correctly, after such a “flight”, you will not want to slouch.

Incorrect position of the neck provokes deformation of the oval of the face.

mouth opening

Hypertonicity, that is, tightness of the masticatory muscles, is one of the factors that deform the oval of the face. Here is a way to combat the habit of clenching your teeth.

  1. Place your palms on either side of your face so that your fingertips are near your ears.

  2. Slowly and without sudden movements, open and close your mouth, gradually, literally millimeter by millimeter, increasing the amplitude. Provide gentle resistance with your hands.

  3. Repeat 10 times.

Chin pats

  1. Turn your head to the right (the body remains motionless).

  2. Slightly push the lower jaw forward and slightly up.

  3. Perform light taps from the chin to the ear on the bone of the lower jaw.

  4. Then under it.

  5. Then under the chin.

  6. Repeat 2-3 times on both sides.

Exercise for the oval of the face

  1. Stand up straight, lower and straighten your shoulders, opening your chest.

  2. Tilt your head back slightly with your chin up.

  3. Pull your tongue out towards your nose. The muscles of the cheeks and eyes remain relaxed.

  4. Hold on for a count of 10-15.

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Bryley prevention

There are several complementary ways to prevent fleas.

  • Watch your posture and get rid of the bad habit of pulling your neck forward as soon as possible. Remember, the neck is a continuation of the spine, which, by the way, must also be straight.

  • Control weight, mainly to avoid pastosity and puffiness. By the way, high-carbohydrate food not only spoils the figure, but also retains fluid in the body. Think about this before you eat something sweet and starchy.

  • Drinking water and movement are your best friends. Do not allow fluid and lymph to stagnate.

  • Take good care of your skin.

Choose cosmetics not only according to age, but also the condition of the skin. After 35, connect products with a lifting effect and do not forget to take care of the neck and décolleté area as diligently as you do your face skin.

First of all, components that stimulate the production of collagen are valuable: it is known that by the age of 80, the rate of synthesis of this protein is reduced by 75% relative to the level of its production at 20 years.

“One of the latest scientific achievements of cosmetology are peptides. These are highly specific molecules that selectively interact with skin cell receptors according to the “key-lock” principle. As a result of this interaction, a physiological response of cells occurs, ”explains Ekaterina Turubara.
  • Cream for the neck and décolleté area to improve skin elasticity and remodel the face oval Neovadiol Phytosculpt, Vichy It is aimed at remodeling the oval of the face and increasing skin elasticity.

  • Concentrated anti-wrinkle serum Hyalu B5, La Roche-Posay, in addition to two types of hyaluronic acid that fill the skin with moisture, it contains madecassoside, which stimulates the production of collagen.

  • Serum Force C3 Helena Rubinstein It is aimed at maintaining the elasticity of the skin and giving it radiance.

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