How to remove fat from the sides at home
Is it possible to remove fat from the sides at home? Yes, if you are willing to work on yourself. Our expert recommends proper nutrition, and Komsomolskaya Pravda – a couple of exercises that will help you achieve a beautiful figure. The main thing is not to give up and go to the goal every day!

How do “ears” appear on the sides? Our expert Ekaterina Medushkina Explains the basics of clinical nutrition in easy to understand language:

Fat anywhere in the body—flanks, anterior abdominal wall, arms, back, legs, or buttocks—occurs for one reason. This is an excess consumption of food (calories, energy – call it what you want). Food is broken down into final molecules: proteins to amino acids, fats to fatty acids and glycerol, carbohydrates to monosaccharides. If we eat according to the norms of nutrient intake, then proteins and fats are the “building material” for the body (amino acids are our muscles, skin, hair, blood cells; fats are the basis of cell membranes, hormones). And carbohydrates have energy value. What happens if we take more substances than we need? Some will be digested and assimilated; but what gets into the blood and at the same time is “not needed” remains as “reserves”, the so-called. fat depot within fat cells.

How to remove fat from the sides: step by step instructions

Step 1: Plan a menu with a nutritionist

We will not get tired of repeating – only a qualified doctor will determine the cause of body fat and select the right nutrition. Our expert Ekaterina Medushkina advises to start with a calorie deficit, then think about the balance of proteins-fats-carbohydrates. And only then move on to physical activity.

Step 2. Exercise

If you are wondering how to lose fat, you can not do without exercise. They will not burn calories 100% – but form a strong muscle frame. And part of what you eat will go to energy; a good alternative to inactivity with a phone in hand, in our opinion.

All exercises are easy to perform on your own, without resorting to the help of a trainer. You need:

  • Doing a side plank – here the oblique muscles of the abdomen are involved, which are largely responsible for the harmony of the waist. It will be difficult at first, but over time you will get used to it. For strengthening, you can do twisting, bend your knees in turn, etc.
  • Perform the “boat” – lying on your back, touching the feet with your hands in turn (legs bent at the knees, shoulder blades do not touch the floor, chin does not lie on the chest).

Our expert Ekaterina Medushkina recommends combining strength exercises with cardio. Not enough load? Walk vigorously or do some gentle stretching. Yoga lessons are on the same Internet.

Remember! The more you move, the more fat is burned. Since it is strongest on the stomach and sides, at first the effect is hardly noticeable. Combine the obligatory exercises for weight loss with cardio, exercise 3 times a week – and then the result will appear.

Step 3. Lead a healthy lifestyle

This means not only avoiding alcohol – it has been scientifically proven that ethanol is very high in calories – but also maintaining a sleep schedule. If the body does not rest properly, and even at work, stress “arrives” daily, the production of cortisol begins. This stress hormone breaks down muscle and promotes body fat, something we struggle with all the time. Eliminate people and events that make you nervous from your life. If that doesn’t work, be sure to do things that bring peace: yoga, favorite hobbies, long walks in the fresh air, etc.

Step 4: Take Care of Your Care

With a sharp weight loss, the skin can become flabby. Do not blame yourself for malnutrition – perhaps just a lack of collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis. Creams can help with this.

Shape types

You will be surprised, but everyone has folds. It’s just that for some they show through brightly under clothes, while for others they are only noticeable on the beach.

  • “Banana”. Girls with this type of figure are lucky in the sense that the folds are hardly noticeable. Jeans can give out a problem – when fastening the sides, they begin to “fall out” from under the tight fabric. Wearing a size larger or working on your body if it does not suit you will help here.
  • “An Apple”. Thin arms and legs against the background of a large torso – such is the physique laid down genetically. The bad news is that it won’t change dramatically. Good news: you can “smooth out” the figure with a useful bunch of “diet + sports”.
  • “Pear”. Here you will have to be patient: the deposits on the stomach and sides are the strongest, so the effect will be slightly noticeable in 1 month. But thanks to well-established nutrition, constant training and even massage, it will be possible to get rid of the rollers in the waist area.
  • “Hourglass”. The ideal type that many aspire to! The chest and hips are pronounced, the waist is very slender against their background. But even those who are lucky with a figure from birth are forced to limit themselves to food with age. The causes of deposits may be overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

Popular questions and answers

Ekaterina Medushkina — fitness expert, author of a special weight loss technique, founder of the Academy of Nutrition answers the questions of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Please tell me why there is fat on the sides?

– There is a legend that only carbohydrates (or only fats) are stored in reserve. This is not true. We will not go into biochemistry, I will say in plain language – the body can “leave for later” anything. And the necessary substance – triglyceride – to create from all of the listed components. Naturally, simple carbohydrates (sweet) will “settle” in the first place. Then come the fatty acids; then squirrels.

Everything that is eaten in excess of the norm becomes fat accumulation. Another question is where exactly it will appear. It all depends on the genetic predisposition. On the Internet, you can find a simplified classification of “apples”, “pears”; there is also a gynoid / android type of figure, etc.

Is it true that fat on the sides can be with any type of figure?

— Yes, it can be. Every person has it genetically + it manifests itself with age. As a rule, changes occur at the age of 30+ (and then 40+ closer to menopause). Older women are often sure that it is impossible to “defeat” these folds – in practice I encounter such cases. For them, my special project Luxury Woman, aimed at working with women aged 40 and older. They often come there and say, “She was slender, voiced, she never suffered from excess weight – and then after 45 she began to spread, why is this happening?” I explain about the decrease in hormonal levels, the production of estrogen / progesterone.

Adipose tissue “takes over” the function of producing hormones and grows over time. And the decrease in physical activity also plays an important role – with age, there are fewer weekends away from home, meetings with friends, walks. So there is a “lifeline” in the abdomen; I repeat – for any type of figure. It’s just that for someone it is first deposited on the buttocks / thighs / legs, but with more weight it will begin to appear on the sides.

Please advise what kind of diet to follow in order to avoid fat on the sides?

– All the same, as in the case of fat on the buttocks / legs, axillary folds and more! The concept of “local fat burning” does not exist, it is a myth. Losing weight in any particular place will not work. BUT local fat burning at one point can be enhanced – which I have been doing successfully for 4 years in the Flat Tummy project.

● Caloric deficit (-20% of daily calories, which takes into account the value of the basic metabolic rate: at rest, digestive processes and physical activity)

● The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (As you know, you can eat 3 chocolates, or you can eat 5 kg of meat – and these will be different calories in terms of usefulness and effect on weight. Proteins should be 1-1,5 grams, fats 1-1,1 grams, carbohydrates 2,5-3,5 grams per kilogram of normal body weight.It is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, so I recommend going to a specialist)

● Physical training (any activity will be useful – it will not only speed up calorie consumption, but also improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, tighten the skin). The main thing is that classes bring pleasure, and the way of losing weight is in harmony with your body!

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