How to remove facial swelling quickly? Video
A problem like facial edema is not only cosmetic in nature. Its root lies in the disruption of the organs and systems of the body. The most common causes are lymph congestion and poor circulation. Disorders in the activity of the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract can also cause swelling.
How to relieve facial swelling
To accurately determine the cause of facial swelling, you must first consult a doctor. He will assess your health and make recommendations. However, swelling is not always a sign of a medical condition. For example, the appearance of edema under the eyes is often provoked by:
- chronic lack of sleep
- alcohol abuse
- smoking
Also, the face can swell due to the influence of a strong allergen. This condition is called Quincke’s edema. It is very dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. If the condition is not so catastrophic, and the swelling has affected only the nasal area with allergic rhinitis, take an antihistamine and rinse the nasal mucosa with saline (warm water with sea salt).
How to quickly relieve facial swelling
First of all, to eliminate edema, it is necessary to take control of the amount of salt consumed. After all, it is its excess that retains fluid in the body. The daily rate should not exceed 3 g. You should also exclude the use of products that affect the swelling of the face and prevent the excretion of fluid:
- canned food
- smoked meats, etc.
It is better to replace them with products that promote the elimination of excess fluid:
- apples
- watermelon
- lemons
- carrot
- oranges
Do not eat at night: the optimal time for dinner is 3 hours before bedtime. By the way, often the face swells in the morning precisely because of the late dinner.
If you do not get enough sleep for several nights, and because of this, swelling appears under your eyes, apply a parsley mask to eliminate them. To do this, grate a small sprig of parsley and add strong tea leaves to it in the same amount. Stir the ingredients and apply under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. You can also apply parsley without any additives.
Edema is a congestive phenomenon. To overclock exchange systems, you need to move more and be outdoors more often.
To quickly remove swelling on your face, apply a potato mask. Grate raw potatoes and apply to face, including lower eyelids. Rinse off with room temperature water after 20 minutes. Potato juice is no less effective in the fight against puffiness. After moistening a gauze cloth in it, cover your face with it for 15 minutes.
Such breathing practice will help to cope with swelling of the face. In the morning before breakfast, do a little exercise: inhale more air into your lungs, trying to inflate your back with your chest. Hold your breath and after three seconds exhale all the air through your lips, folded into a tube. Do this for a couple of minutes. After a short rest, breathe a hundred times from your belly. In this case, inhale as usual, and while exhaling, sharply push the front abdominal wall towards the spine.
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