How to remove excess fluid from the body? Video
An excess of fluid in the body leads not only to an increase in body weight, but can also indicate the presence of serious chronic diseases. Signs of water retention are sometimes noticeable even with the naked eye. Get rid of excess fluid using simple methods, but if you have severe swelling, you should immediately see a doctor and not self-medicate.
Remove fluid from the body
Start drinking at least two liters of purified or spring water every day. After a week, your body will understand that it has enough water, it will stop accumulating it in the form of severe edema. Limit salt intake: Excessive amounts of salt lead to the formation of edema and other serious complications (for example, high blood pressure). Start gradually reducing the amount of salt you eat, you will soon get used to it.
Include natural diuretics in your food: celery, yellow, green and red bell peppers, watermelon, nettles, cucumbers, green tea, beets, and buckwheat.
Birch in the fight against edema
Birch sap and leaves have a pronounced diuretic effect, help to remove excess water from the body. Prepare an infusion from the leaves. To do this, pour two teaspoons of crushed birch leaves with a glass of boiling water. Cover the dishes tightly with a lid and leave for thirty minutes. Strain the infusion through a double layer of cheesecloth and add baking soda on the tip of a knife. Every three hours you need to drink a tablespoon of the prepared composition. For the same purpose, you can drink a glass of birch sap three times a day.
Avoid alcoholic beverages, as alcohol can retain fluid in the body. Take a bath with pine extract, visit the sauna once a week, arrange fasting days on a watermelon
Exercise is excellent at speeding up the metabolism and helping to remove excess fluid from the body through the sweat glands. To get rid of water in your legs, start walking or jogging, and take advantage of aerobic exercise. Swelling from the legs also goes away with regular cycling, in which case you can purchase an exercise bike. Before starting classes, you should consult your doctor, since excessive physical activity is prohibited for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Diuretic actions of Avran
Avran officinalis is an herb that has long been known for its diuretic properties. To prepare an infusion that will help remove water from the body, take a tablespoon of Avran and fill it with a glass of hot water. Insist for an hour and a half and take after meals every three hours. Please note that avran is a poisonous herb, so you need to take the infusion carefully, preferably under the supervision of a doctor.
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