How to remove duplicates in Excel

This example will teach you how to remove duplicates in Excel. If you just need to find duplicates, then follow this link.

  1. Select any cell from the dataset.
  2. On the Advanced tab Data (Data) click the button Remove Duplicates (Remove Duplicates). A dialog box of the same name will appear.
  3. Leave all checkboxes and click OK.

Result: Excel removes all duplicate rows (circled in blue) except for the first identical row it finds (marked in yellow).

To remove rows with the same values ​​only in certain columns, follow the instructions below:

  1. For example, let’s delete rows with the same last name (Last Name) and country (Country).
  2. In the dialog box Remove Duplicates (Remove Duplicates) check the boxes next to Last Name и Country and press OK.

Result: Excel deletes all rows with the same last name and country (circled in blue) except for the first match it finds (marked in yellow).

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